Thanks to the medicine I got at the hospital, my kidney stone appears to be behaving and symptoms were downgraded from acute pain to mild discomfort.
That treatment does come however with a somewhat unwanted side effect since it has led to a significant increase in my fart output.
Actually, I'm not merely farting, I'm bellowing. People can hear me arrive from a couple of blocks away.
While it did provide some fun early in a 'pull my finger' kind of way, needless to say that after a few days we've all grown weary of this age-old entertainment. I hardly find any solace in the fact I might have a future in 1920s music hall reenactments. At least 2 more weeks of this routine and I'll have to buy a new set of underwear for Christmas.
Of course, work is where I'm enjoying myself the most. Trying to stealthily hide a fart louder than a 787 before takeoff does offer some interesting challenges that, if I'm being honest, I have yet to master. Thankfully it's all noise and no smell, but I can't really blame anyone giving me a strange look.
I'm not entirely sure my current predicament is quite true to the 'holiday spirit', but it does offer some relief. Walking fart machine wasn't on my bucket list for 2024 though.
And who needs this, seriously?
* It is the off season indeed. *