Official Matt Moylan


Super Moderator
Apr 8, 2008
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If Hynes goes down and Moylan has to replace him, based on last weeks performance alongside Trindall how much of a benefit will it actually be to us?
Do you mean during the game? More benefit than moving Graham there, or putting Nikora in the centres and re-shuffling the entire backline to get Tracey in the halves.

There are zero people advocating for Matt Moylan as a starter, but he surely has to be the best option as a backup half, and the best option to cover an in-game injury to a half.

Doesn't matter cause we know by now Fitz doesn't know how to rotate around the minutes of a 4 forward bench anyway.
He will give a bloke like Hunt 10 mins while someone like Rudolf is left out there as long as possible sucking in the big ones because reasons....
Saying something over and over doesn't make it true.

The Sharks have had played one game this year where their best five forwards were all healthy, and in that game the rotation was pretty close to exactly how people want it to be - and much of last year up until Rudolf got injured it was the same. It's just that in the other games where he has one/some of his best guys missing he gives bigger minutes to his other best forwards... and unlike most fans, Fitz knows who his best forwards are :)

It was right to pick Moylan last season, he found his best form since 2018 alongside Hynes and it was working for the most part in attack for us.

A rookie might come in and carve up for a game or 2 but performing over an entire NRL season is a different thing and this is where coaches place alot more faith with experienced incumbent players even when they have a form dip

If his defense hadn't become so bad Moylan might have remained a serviceable player for us

If Fitz pulled the trigger on that diabolical left edge earlier we might have won a couple more of those close games and be in a better position come finals time.
Maybe - but maybe if he'd left Talakai in against Manly and they gave up one less try down that edge and win that one too. Coulda shoulda woulda.
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Great White
Oct 11, 2021
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There are zero people advocating for Matt Moylan as a starter, but he surely has to be the best option as a backup half, and the best option to cover an in-game injury to a half

I think tommy could handle it


Mar 23, 2016
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Not trying to stir sht but can someone honestly tell me the potential reason why Fitz kept this guy in the 17 at the expense of game experience/fitness of other players like JC, Iro etc

but when our important match came along he left him out of the squad ?

Find it a little confusing
Sep 7, 2005
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The Ridge!
Not trying to stir sht but can someone honestly tell me the potential reason why Fitz kept this guy in the 17 at the expense of game experience/fitness of other players like JC, Iro etc

but when our important match came along he left him out of the squad ?

Find it a little confusing
Yeah mate it is a little confusing. Not sure of the answer really, it would be something we'd have to ask someone who is at the coalface each day.
As a rookie coach, Fitz may have felt the need to keep him in the team as he was very experienced and a rep player in past years. I don't think the defence issue was there last year (I could be wrong though), but his timing wasn't right in leaving him in the 17 for so long.

After the Melbourne thrashing he should have been dropped giving Tricky more time to develop with Nicho in those easier games we won easily. Maybe a Bennett, Bellamy or Robbo would have seen that earlier than Fitz and done what was required.

If he gets no offers from any clubs for next year including ESL, I don't know what Fitz will do with him. Tricky and even a injury recovered Dykes would be in front of him now. He's not going to play fullback that is for sure and he leaves us short of strength if he is on the bench.
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Feb 3, 2015
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Not trying to stir sht but can someone honestly tell me the potential reason why Fitz kept this guy in the 17 at the expense of game experience/fitness of other players like JC, Iro etc

but when our important match came along he left him out of the squad ?

Find it a little confusing
Potentiall experience and Tricky settling in?

As a coach, you wouldn't want to be changing your spine in the back end of the season. He wasn't really left with a choice though, so it's possible he had Moylan there for a while incase things didn't settle into gear with Tricky the way he was hoping.

Once it did, and he was happy, there was less need to have him on the bench.

I also think availability of middle forwards may have played a role. Yes JC was left out, but there was no depth after that till Kaufusi returned and we saw Moylan left out then.

As for Iro/Atkinson or any other utility. I can only assume coach didn't think they were ready to be thrown in at the pointy end.

I'd assume given the coach sees a lot more than us, it was some combination of the above/what happens at training. I can't exactly say that we were spoiled for choice in the 17 jersey by the end of the season.
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Aug 11, 2011
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Perth WA
Not trying to stir sht but can someone honestly tell me the potential reason why Fitz kept this guy in the 17 at the expense of game experience/fitness of other players like JC, Iro etc

but when our important match came along he left him out of the squad ?

Find it a little confusing

Should've given him a 1 yr contract not 2. He wont play reserve grade so trade him now for someone off contract 2024. Might be some clubs that want an experienced five eighth like Raiders
Nah Moylan doesn’t fit the Raiders recruiting policy.

“Only d!ckheads”

Mr Ryan

Bull Shark
Nov 6, 2010
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Fitz barely uses the 4th benchy, so does it really matter if he had Moyza there for some games?


Jun 4, 2007
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Happy for Moylan to go although arguably leaves our depth a bit shallow.

Depending where Dykes is at, and if intended to play 5/8 (which would make more sense letting Moylan go) probably okay.

7 depth Hynes / Trindall / Puru
6 depth Trindall / Dykes / Atkinson

Still someone like Clune*, C Johns, Wakeham could be a good shout for depth at the right price, and especially if Dykes was more likely to play fullback.
Hopefully no injuries to even consider playing these guys or really any of the depth but even competition has value.

*Clune has a good chance this weekend to drastically increase his value to an NRL or ESL club
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Bull Shark
Aug 8, 2021
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No one is going to be stupid enough to take him off of us to start in the halves.
Someone will if he's being shopped around. Just has to improve defense, which they can work on. Good thing is he's been healthy last 2 years and still offers something in attack, which would appeal


Jun 4, 2007
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Someone will if he's being shopped around. Just has to improve defense, which they can work on. Good thing is he's been healthy last 2 years and still offers something in attack, which would appeal
More likely they need to have a competent second row defender for him to stand next to, to cover for the fact he’s quite weak


Bull Shark
Aug 8, 2021
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Had a $hit year with defense, but he can still get back to it, did ok defensively last year. Dont want him for depth and he's taking up a spot in the 30, trade him


Jul 31, 2010
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Colyton, Sydney
Someone will if he's being shopped around. Just has to improve defense, which they can work on. Good thing is he's been healthy last 2 years and still offers something in attack, which would appeal

No they wont, not in the NRL. They’ve all seen how he got exposed in defence this year. Nobodies touching him. Our only chance is, like Punish said, a Super League team like Catalans comes calling but thats even if either Moylan would be motivated to pickup and move to a country like France or to England to a bottom feeding club like the Giants or Hull, or if any of those clubs haven’t watched him defend this year.

And its laughable for anyone to think he could improve his defence as drastically as he’d need to at this stage of his career to even make an NRL club consider taking a big risk on him.

Sorry but I think we’re stuck with him unless we’re paying pretty much all of salary to play reserves for another club and what would even be the point of that.

Hope im wrong but hoping for a brain dead club to swoop in and nab him for even most of his contracts value is pointless.