Official Johnny Mannah


Bull Shark
Oct 6, 2007
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missing irvine

Makes no difference. Irvine's position is chairman of the board. Every other club has one of those as well.

We are minimum 2 positions down, not to mention other assistant coaches and specialists which we dont have as well.


Oceanic Whitetip Shark
Jul 3, 2010
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Thats not untrue at all and is on the mark. We are understaffed big time. Yes Flanno and Grima etc are involved in recruiting, thats because we dont have the money to pay anyone else. Other clubs will have the following positions:
Football manager
Head Coach
Assistant Coach
Recruitment Manager/officer

Thats five seperate roles for five different people. We have THREE people doing these five jobs. And these three people - Flanno, Grima and Mooney, their primary roles are not recruitment. So you see where we are falling down badly at the moment.

THANK YOU!!!! Finally someone else on here who isn't blinded by there support of the club!


Bull Shark
Oct 6, 2007
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Our football and front office staff are tiny and its sad for everyone. For the players because they dont get the maximum support and coaching possible and sad for us fans because until we can fill some of these positions we will continue to be bottom of the ladder.

People think it doesnt matter if you dont have a CEO, a recruitment manager or only one assistant coach instead of three but it does. Players miss out on extra skills training, knowledge of coaches. We are slow with recruitment because the coaches have to do it. All these things add up and you are 10-20% behind other teams. And whilst you can be competitive you dont win the games.

The Tigers for example have for Tim Sheens, Royce Simmons (prior to UK), Steve Folkes, Peter Gentle, then Recuitment manager, football manager, trainers etc etc. How do we compete with that?


Mar 26, 2011
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dont forget 1 wrestling coach
2 halves coach (where is barrett)
3 kicking coach
4 defensive coach
99% of all teams have these on a regular basis but we are not financially capable,so hats of to flanno for doing with out.

you can only deal with what you have and we dont have that much thats what makes our victories even more sweeter when they come cause we are running on fumes and there is not many options when our finances are so low

Harold Holt

Jul 31, 2010
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Deep blue sea.
dont forget 1 wrestling coach
2 halves coach (where is barrett)
3 kicking coach
4 defensive coach
99% of all teams have these on a regular basis but we are not financially capable,so hats of to flanno for doing with out.

you can only deal with what you have and we dont have that much thats what makes our victories even more sweeter when they come cause we are running on fumes and there is not many options when our finances are so low
Haha, agree, but at least have strapers and a Physio unlike the Choc Soldiers!


Oct 7, 2009
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Thats not untrue at all and is on the mark. We are understaffed big time. Yes Flanno and Grima etc are involved in recruiting, thats because we dont have the money to pay anyone else. Other clubs will have the following positions:
Football manager
Head Coach
Assistant Coach
Recruitment Manager/officer

Thats five seperate roles for five different people. We have THREE people doing these five jobs. And these three people - Flanno, Grima and Mooney, their primary roles are not recruitment. So you see where we are falling down badly at the moment.

The suggestion was that Flano does all the recruitment by himself. I pointed out that others are obviously involved as well.

You won't catch me saying that the Club is anywhere near fully staffed- in Football Operations or anywhere else.


Oct 7, 2009
Reaction score
Geez your a f*** w** sometimes. My concerns mate are with the well being of the club. I love the sharks and don't want to see anything but the best for them. So i don't understand what you mean by suiting my concerns.

Other clubs have people employed solely as recruitment officers, who is doing that on a full time basis at the sharks? Nobody. My point is if other clubs have people constantly chasing other players and there movements, they are going to have the inside running on signings.

So are you. Makes us even.

As I made clear, my point was that you were exaggerating when you said that Flano was the only person who handles recruitment. That's not true.

Of course we all wish there was more in the way of coaches and recruitment staff etc. It doesn't take a ****ing brain surgeon to realise we're behind before a ball is kicked each week. But its not as if the Club is splashing out in other departments- look at this thread and tell me how many of the managers are covering more than one department. How many other Clubs are forced in to that situation?

Point is: its not just the Football department that's struggling. The money just isn't there for any department. Where would you take a recruitment officer's salary from? Membership? Merchandise? Match Day? Equipment? If you did, you would probably just wipe out the entire department.


Apr 1, 2010
Reaction score
The Bar
The suggestion was that Flano does all the recruitment by himself. I pointed out that others are obviously involved as well.

You won't catch me saying that the Club is anywhere near fully staffed- in Football Operations or anywhere else.

I'm so tired of the whinging about a lack of CEO, lack of this wank coach, that wank coach...

I won't argue that in a perfect world these things help and are very beneficial - but think for a moment - Some of our facilities are better than others (eg: Penrith)

Yes, we are understaffed - but you can't solely blame (or mostly blame) our problems this year on that.

What amazes me is the biggest whingers on here are the missing link when it comes to our fund-raising for the HPU etc....

AB has gone out of his way to look at turning our fundraising into something more relevant to club operations - why not channel your disappointment into supporting his ideas?

Or, alternatively, we can blow a truck load of cash at more staff at the expense of our football club - just to see sfa difference.


Oceanic Whitetip Shark
Jul 3, 2010
Reaction score
So are you. Makes us even.

As I made clear, my point was that you were exaggerating when you said that Flano was the only person who handles recruitment. That's not true.

Of course we all wish there was more in the way of coaches and recruitment staff etc. It doesn't take a ****ing brain surgeon to realise we're behind before a ball is kicked each week. But its not as if the Club is splashing out in other departments- look at this thread and tell me how many of the managers are covering more than one department. How many other Clubs are forced in to that situation?

Point is: its not just the Football department that's struggling. The money just isn't there for any department. Where would you take a recruitment officer's salary from? Membership? Merchandise? Match Day? Equipment? If you did, you would probably just wipe out the entire department.

I don't know how many managers the club has but can you enlighten me? I do know they don't have a recruitment officer which was my point to begin with. And tell me how do you know so much about the salaries of people in the club. You do the budgeting do you? Go and get f****** champ. You think your the only one with all the facts and opininons on here and everyone elses are incorrect. I was simply pointing out that we don't a recruitment office full time and other clubs do. Then it turns into this beat up............

AB has gone out of his way to look at turning our fundraising into something more relevant to club operations - why not channel your disappointment into supporting his ideas?

I wasn't whinging. I was just pointing out that we are behind the speed when it comes to signing players because other clubs have recruitment officers and we don't. It was a response to anothers post. Go back to read it if you like......

Great that AB is doing that out of his own time, but it doesn't give him the right to voice his opinion and condemn everyone elses............
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May 20, 2006
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It's not as if there is anyone out there that doesn't know that the Club is, and has been, in huge amounts of financial pressure.

There is an old saying "You cut your coat according to your cloth."

Just between you and me, I suspect that the Chairman knows a thing or two about making suits. :rolleyes:

In a perfect world the Club would be fully staffed and resourced. The fact of the matter is that it is NOT a perfect world and that the Club has to make do with what it has got.

Lamenting the fact that we're not as cashed up as other Clubs is pointless.

The fact that we're competitive at all is a testament to a hell of a lot of passion and enthusiasm from a small number of very dedicated and committed people.


May 12, 2008
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Coffs Harbour
It's not as if there is anyone out there that doesn't know that the Club is, and has been, in huge amounts of financial pressure.

There is an old saying "You cut your coat according to your cloth."

Just between you and me, I suspect that the Chairman knows a thing or two about making suits. :rolleyes:

In a perfect world the Club would be fully staffed and resourced. The fact of the matter is that it is NOT a perfect world and that the Club has to make do with what it has got.

Lamenting the fact that we're not as cashed up as other Clubs is pointless.

The fact that we're competitive at all is a testament to a hell of a lot of passion and enthusiasm from a small number of very dedicated and committed people.

great post fitz,
Thing we need to ask is, Why?
Why are other clubs rich and the Sharks poor, and what do the Sharks need to do to turn it around.
How do these other clubs make their money, that the Sharks are not doing?


Great White
May 6, 2009
Reaction score
Previous administrations, particularly sinking money into bad investments including the original plans for the development. Sacking (and paying out) two coaches in succession. Rainy days, you name it.


Bull Shark
Aug 29, 2008
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Does someone know Mannah's contractual arrangment for next year? Is he with us or off contract?


Great White
May 21, 2009
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I really hope we can hold on to Mannah. I think if Mannah and Vave continue to develop and we sign another good or experienced prop then we may be able to avoid catastrophe next year when we don't have Snowy and Dougie but if we lose Mannah as well then the club better recruit well because another "rebuilding year" will be really bad for the club as we cannot seem to break this cycle we have been in for a few years now.

No one wants to come here because we cannot win games and we can't win games because no one wants to come here. So when we have a good team like the one we have now then we need them to win. Even though there are reasons they aren't winning (injuries, luck etc), they need to get the job done.


Oceanic Whitetip Shark
May 6, 2009
Reaction score
Putney, New South Wales
Hey guys. I think if Jonny is named this weekend, we should give him those old loud cheers we used to give him when he was on fire for us before he got sick. That really could pump him up. I would love to see the crowd go crazy for him. I think this could work.