Official Cronulla Sharks Board + Management


Tiger Shark
Mar 18, 2009
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apparently only 3 independant candidates are contesting current board elections and no one is contesting pierce position. so if we like it or not we are stuck with pierce
Unless the NRL can convince Barry and the bOard to resign? Then we get an extraordinary election.


Tiger Shark
Mar 18, 2009
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they all should have been fugged off years ago, we should start a witch hunt for the board and barry..

beheading or hanging or catapult (sp?)?

CATAPULT! PLEASE USE THE CATAPULT! Hey that could be the pre-match entertainment for the rest of the year!


moruya shark

Grey Nurse
May 14, 2009
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They drop players that don't perform why should the board be any different ?
Yes give them the boot ... asap.


Nov 10, 2007
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Shark fin soup is taken off the menu
Josh Massoud
22 May 2009
Daily Telegraph

---- The board ----

CRONULLA directors planned to shout a Chinese feed for 140 selected friends at the conclusion of the leagues club election next Wednesday night.

Despite trading on the brink of insolvency under a $9million debt to St George Bank, the current board last month agreed to foot the entire bill for a lavish dinner to officially launch the club's new King Wan restaurant.

Each of the nine directors was to be granted a 10-seat table, which they were permitted to fill with a partner and eight guests of ``their choice''. Coach Ricky Stuart, CEO Tony Zappia, general manager Michael Wilkins and commercial manager Paul Donaghy were also extended the same privilege.

But the idea was howled down last week, when director Brett Crowley raised propriety concerns on the basis of the event being staged on the final day of voting.

Precise details were contained in an email circulated to club staff on May 12 -- obtained by The Daily Telegraph this week.

The email revealed that chairman Barry Pierce was to personally distribute the invites from inside the club, with the club reimbursing King Wan owner Tony Leung $20 a head.

The club had also agreed to pay for all alcohol consumed on the evening, leaving it liable for a total bill of about $5000.

Laminated invitations trumpeted the dinner as King Wan's ``Grand Opening''. It was to begin at 6.30pm -- just 2 1/2 hours after polling closed in the downstairs foyer on the sixth and final day of voting.

When contacted about the dinner last night, Pierce described it as a ``promotion''.

The under-fire chairman also denied the latest scandal surrounding Reni Maitua's positive drugs test would prompt his resignation.

``I'm not going to stand-down -- no one has challenged me,'' Pierce said yesterday.

Under Cronulla's constitution, the chairman can only be replaced if he is challenged directly.

Because the three independent candidates who are contesting the election have not nominated for the top job, Pierce will be automatically re-elected.


To: Directors
From: ////////////
Date: 12 May 2009

Barry will be handing out the invitations for the evening - Wednesday May 27 6.30pm. Tony Leung has kept two tables for his use. Each director is allocated a table of
ten for the evening - Director with partner + 8 guests of their choice.

Nulla Boy

Bull Shark
Mar 21, 2006
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Why can't the useless bastard stand down.The club has had nothing but trouble since he took over.He obviously can't make the hard decisions and is only in the job for "ego" sake.I mean this is the bloke that tore up his own mates coaching contract even before the poor bloke(stuart raper) had a chance to show what he could do.
Bring in Ricky Surace(maybe not as chairman,but in some capacity),from what I see this bloke has cash,a great passion for cronulla and is willing to help out bigtime if elected to the board.

This is my main criticism of the current board. We dont seem to have a plan. I feel like the club has gone backwards in the last 10 years. Even though we had relative success last year, it was still clear that the foundations of the club were not strong. Our poor performances this year have let the poor running of the club become evident. Crowds have diminished siginificantly from the late 90's. There is very little promotion of the club within the Shire. I know the club is working with limited resources at the moment, but it seems like no-one even knows that the games are on.

Another small problem I have is the way that fans are treated at the ground. Now this may only seem like a minor problem but I reckion it is a significant turn off for a lot of people. We are made to stand in beer lines which take over 25 minutes to get any service. After taking the time to get off my lounge and pay my 20 bucks entry, I feel like I should be able to get a beer within a reasonable time and be able to enjoy the game. This is happeneing with crowds of less than 10 thousand. Heaven help us if we ever get a reasonable crowd. People need to have a positive match day experience.. It almost feels as though we are being treated as though we are not wanted. If we are playing our games on Saturday night, we need to market it so that people will want to go to the football before going out to other venues. It's common sense.

Good luck Ricky, hopefully you can make some positive changes if elected.
No s--t!These are the blokes that got funding for a f----ng grandstand when we can't even fill the other 2.
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Nov 10, 2007
Reaction score
apparently only 3 independant candidates are contesting current board elections and no one is contesting pierce position. so if we like it or not we are stuck with pierce

Unless Ricky Surace and others get on the board and have the numbers to call an EGM.. then Barry will be gone.

Nulla Boy

Bull Shark
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
Let's weigh things up.
On one hand we have Peter Gow sacked for cutting up a st george jersey.(something he should of been made king of cronulla for the rest of his natural life for doing)
And the other hand we got Barry Pierce who has run the cronulla club not only into the ground but the depths of hell.

Gee........I think I know who I'd rather have at the club!


Bull Shark
Apr 10, 2009
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Peter Gow siad he won't though he wants to concentrate on spending time with his family

Nulla Boy

Bull Shark
Mar 21, 2006
Reaction score
Peter Gow siad he won't though he wants to concentrate on spending time with his family
Yeah .I know.It's just an example of what both have done with one being sacked for a rellatively minor thing when the other is still standing after inept management.

Nulla Boy

Bull Shark
Mar 21, 2006
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Anyone got the tools or resouces to make this banner for tomorrow nights game-



  • pierceofff.png
    25.3 KB · Views: 0
Mar 4, 2007
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I note you use the word allegedly Willy? That doesnt give me a lot of optimisim.... give me some better news... please???

Well we cant be sure can we sorry to say that but really when it comes down to it can we really trust these guys that cant even turn up to a Board meeting FFS but we are asset rich in regards to the land we own.

I guess we will have to wait for Gallop to say something or hope some of these new guys get on the board an be a little more transparent in the future.


CATAPULT! PLEASE USE THE CATAPULT! Hey that could be the pre-match entertainment for the rest of the year!



I think most of the shire would turn out to see that.
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Google News

Dec 16, 2005
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NRL and Cronulla Sharks will meet next week to discuss turmoil

NRL and Cronulla Sharks will meet next week to discuss turmoilFox Sports, AustraliaBy staff writers The NRL board has denied reports that it was to meet with Cronulla powerbrokers on Friday as the beleaguered Sharks try to put a week of turmoil behind them. A statement from league headquarters denied reports that the crisis talks had ...


NRL and Cronulla Sharks will meet next week to discuss turmoil
By staff writers
May 22, 2009

The NRL board has denied reports that it was to meet with Cronulla powerbrokers on Friday as the beleaguered Sharks try to put a week of turmoil behind them.

A statement from league headquarters denied reports that the crisis talks had gone ahead with a date early next week likely to determine the fate of the club.

The Sharks' future in the competition hangs by a thread in the wake of another explosive week.

Gallop called an urgent meeting with Cronulla's board in an attempt to arrest the Sharks demise.

The NRL demanded a full report from the club by noon on Friday detailing all aspects of termination settlement with a female employee last year following another unwanted front-page headline on Thursday.

Cronulla asked for an extension of that time line and are now expected to deliver that on Monday morning.

A Fairfax media report said the financially embattled club had paid $20,000 to former community liaison officer Jenny Hall, who was accidentally hit in the face by Sharks chief executive Tony Zappia.

Zappia has previously said the incident on August 9 last year was an accident and he was simply shadow boxing.

A please explain will also be sought for Wednesday's revelation that former Test forward Reni Maitua had failed a drugs test.

Gallop said he didn't think the latest setback for the club would spell the end of the Sharks but admitted they had tough times ahead.
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Mar 2, 2007
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Are you a Leagues or Football club member?

Are any of you?

Will you be voting in the election?

Do you want the best result for your club?

If you answered YES to all of the above, the I implore you:



You might want to know why these two?

Put it this way: Barry Pierce can't be touched. He is running unopposed. (He will almost certainly have to stand down after the election anyway.)

If everyone votes for the new nominees and splits who they don't vote for, then there is a very high chance that the incumbents will all retain their spot.

Allow me to explain.

Suppose 1000 people vote.

Scenario One:

400 people vote for Barry's ticket. That gives all of the incumbents plus Damian Irvine 400 votes each.

600 people decide that they want change. They all vote for the three new faces (Damian Irvine, Ricky Surace and Paul Walker.) Then they follow no pattern and vote for a random selection of 5 from the remaining 7 candidates.

On average, each of the incumbents receives 357 additional votes. The final tally looks like this:

Barry Pierce - existing (unopposed)
Damian Irvine - new (1000 votes)
Don Anderson - existing member (757)
Jim Barnett - existing (757)
Keith Ward - existing (757)
Graham Gillard - existing (757)
Greg Holland - existing (757)
Paul Tubridy - existing (757)
Brett Crowley - existing (757)

Not elected:
Paul Walker - new (600)
Ricky Surace - new (600)

Scenario Two:
400 people vote for Barry's ticket. That gives all of the incumbents plus Damian Irvine 400 votes each.

600 people decide that they want change. They all vote for the three new faces (Damian Irvine, Ricky Surace and Paul Walker.) They all unite and do not vote for Paul Tubridy or Brett Crowley.

The final tally looks like this:

Barry Pierce - existing (unopposed)
Damian Irvine - new (1000 votes)
Don Anderson - existing member (1000)
Jim Barnett - existing (1000)
Keith Ward - existing (1000)
Graham Gillard - existing (1000)
Greg Holland - existing (1000)
Paul Walker - new (600)
Ricky Surace - new (600)

Not elected:
Paul Tubridy - existing (400)
Brett Crowley - existing (400)

For the good of the Cronulla Sharks - do not vote for Paul Tubridy or Brett Crowley in the election!

If you want to know why Tubridy and Crowley...

For starters, Greg Holland and Keith Ward were only added to the board last year. They are not Barry Pierce 'yes men'. They must be retained.

That leaves Anderson, Barnett, Gillard, Tubridy and Crowley.

Crowley has been in charge of our mirage of a development. He was also quoted as saying this last week:

""If they get on they're going to be three out of nine," Crowley said (of they new board members). "All it can do is create a bit of turmoil. It's not going to change what's happening. If those guys get on the board, so what? It's the same directors. It's still six verse three.""

The sheer arrogance of this statement astounds me. Do these men want the best for the club, or do they merely want to have their own private little mens club?

Along with Crowley, Paul Tubridy has been selected by Ricky Surace as one of the two current directors to not appear on his ticket. As we can assume that there will already be a number of people voting for Surace's ticket, the best thing we can do is to jump on board, for the good of the Sharks. Split your votes and no change will come.
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Pale Ale

May 30, 2007
Reaction score

I agree we need change and will be voting for the new candidates.

But why should we exclude Paul Turbidy and Brett Crowley ahead of the other current directors.

I am happy to follow your suggestion, I have to drop someone from the current board, but why these two as against the others?

slide rule

Mar 24, 2009
Reaction score
General Admission
I had the understanding that only Football club members that have been members for over 3 years can vote.

I read on Facebook that Leagues Club members can vote as well.

Is this true?


Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score

I agree we need change and will be voting for the new candidates.

But why should we exclude Paul Turbidy and Brett Crowley ahead of the other current directors.

I am happy to follow your suggestion, I have to drop someone from the current board, but why these two as against the others?

Paul, I've edited in the reasons at the end of my post.

Crowley is the epitome of the arrogant current crop of board members. He has also been in charge of the development project since it began, and we can see how well that has gone in over ten years.

Tubridy is a victim of circumstance. Someone has to go, and Ricky Surace has elected Tubridy. I don't know the reason behind this, however as I said above - if we split votes, then all of the current directors will keep their spots.

I had the understanding that only Football club members that have been members for over 3 years can vote.

I read on Facebook that Leagues Club members can vote as well.

Is this true?

Yes mate, if you are a Leagues Club member you can vote. You do not have to have been a Leagues member for 3 years, either.

If this is you - I strongly urge you to get down to the Club and make your vote count.
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Nov 10, 2007
Reaction score
Has anyone seen the shoddy Nominees form they sent out to members? It is riddled with typos and errors. No one has bothered to proof read a thing. No marketing team, no quality control I guess.

Don Anderson's bio is a disgrace. He says he is "currently leaving in Cronulla" and part of his achievements are "the continues refurbishment of the leagues club".

Keith Ward, who is a former head of retail banking at Advance Bank before it was swallowed by St George, has very strong business credentials and should be retained. But again his bio has shocking typos through it.

Not very professional Bazza. Too busy organising your free feed in the King Wan.


Bronze Whaler
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
Are we able to vote that ricky surace guy from B2B onto the board? I read somewhere that they only need 100 votes against the current board for to get booted? It was in an article on fox sports. Surely I'm interpreting it wrong?

I'm a season ticket holder and will join the leagues club if it means I can vote to shake up the current board. If anyone can explain the current election process and what if anything, I can do to get new faces on there by signing up to the leagues club and voting, that would be great. Cheers.