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  1. I

    When the Sharks Win The Premiership....

    Let's indulge a bit here and talk about WHEN the Sharks win the premiership. It will happen so don't shake yours heads! When we do win I'm quite curious to know what you would do. How would you celebrate? Would you go to the extremes of marking on your body?? How do you think the shire would...
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    It's How Much For An Hour??!!

    So.....being in QLD and being from the Shire can be very trying. Footy season is about to start as everybody knows and I kind of wanted to put my foot down. Every opportunity I get I try to promote MY footy and MY team. When I say my footy I'm including the NSW Blues in that. Anyway,I'm a...
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    Representin' In Brissy!!!

    Win or lose I always have this feeling of smug pride when I walk through Caxton street in uniform!!!
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    This is My poor car!! Well....WAS my car. Yes, it does have the Shark sticker on the back. I always said the Queenslanders took it too far! :P Yes, I was in the car at the time :S If you click on the picture you can actually read what the plates say!
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    Wally Lewis I met Wally Lewis. I got his autograph and I got a pic. Amongst the rabble I managed to say that I supported the Blue and laughed when asked if I supported the Broncos. It went great! :P Actually, it was great. A legend on field and off, he was brilliant! I was on a high for...
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    In The Coach's Box

    It's quite obvious that this year has been a difficult one. With the season behind us and a new one approaching we enter a new decade. This gives us ample opportunity to re-energize, rebuild, and start fresh. What I would like to know is, given the chance to be at the helm, what would you do...
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    Players V The Team

    Just curious about something. It's quite common place for people to latch on to a certain player and follow them and their sporting career. They jump from team to team just as the player does. Is that the case for anyone here? Is there any one player on the team that you would follow if...
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    A Woman's Perspective

    What interest does a 20 something have with league? The answer is not as typical as you think. If you were to pose that question to most people they'd probably respond with something like "oh, it's because of the guys." Let me tell you, that is not true. Actually, for what seems like most...
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    Hollywood Hulk Hogan...Puh-lease!

    I was watching the footy show the other night and was sickened! Why....why why why on earth was hulk hogan on the footy show? What a joke! Growing up I loved wrestling, don't get me wrong, I used to think it was the greatest thing since sliced bread. I have grown out of it......thankfully...
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    Pledging Allegience - Bridge To Brisbane

    Pledging Allegience Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey yo!!! I like it like that!! I was finally found amongst 45,000 people. This is me running through a mob of brisbaners in sharkies gear :P Crazy??? mmmaybe.
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    Pledging Allegience - Bridge To Brisbane

    On Sunday I will be running in the Bridge to Brisbane and I WILL be wearing my sharkies gear. Anyone else here going?
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    Sharks Love!

    I love the Sharks! I know that probably puts me in a light of simplicity right now, but let me explain. I'm Canadian...North American....whatever. Up until moving to Australia I was never a really "sportsfan" you could say. I liked boxing and soccer and some winter sports but I was never a...