Western Sharkie
Did you see the one about…………..I accidentally subscribed to OnlyFlannos. Not good...
Did you see the one about…………..I accidentally subscribed to OnlyFlannos. Not good...
Mate I’m thinking of upping my prices, just giving you the heads upI accidentally subscribed to OnlyFlannos. Not good...
Seen that one already !Mate I’m thinking of upping my prices, just giving you the heads up
Not the only thing you're upping from what I've seenMate I’m thinking of upping my prices, just giving you the heads up
I have this picture above our toilet
Mr GoingI have this picture above our toilet
From what I've seen it's Lebo bikies trying to take control of the black marketMany tobacconist places get torched other than down here I swear it’s at least 3 a week in Melbourne. Now if you own commercial property insurers won’t cover you. Apparently bikie related
Right on the mark there DJ.So figured I'd vent here, our lovely government has pushed ahead with their vape ban. I have no problem with this however, as someone on medical cannabis, they have included dry herb vapes in this. What this means for existing businesses is as of midnight tonight they have to stop selling. I have stocked up on things as much as I can.
The issue ahead is they want pharmacies to sell the products. First issue is only 2 currently have tga approvals. Starting at around $400 each. Second issue is no pharmacies want a bar of this. They were never consulted on any of these plans.
So if mine breaks or anything goes wrong I have to either upgrade for a few hundred bucks and find a pharmacy that is selling. Also if any parts break I doubt I'll be able to get them with these new laws. It will either be pray I can find them or upgrade and hope.
The first thing that has my mental health slightly in check is now going to be ****ed over all because this government are absolute cowards and don't want to address the actual problem. The problem being dodgy tobacconists selling tobacco products to kids.
So yeah **** Labor. Never again.
Mate you do not look 60.View attachment 31346I turn 40 today. I look about 60, though. Going for this club will age you by 20 years.
Happy birthday mate. You don't look a day over 50!View attachment 31346I turn 40 today. I look about 60, though. Going for this club will age you by 20 years.
Me either, will ask @djhabibHas sharks forever just turned into grinder, not that I know what that is
View attachment 31346I turn 40 today. I look about 60, though. Going for this club will age you by 20 years.