Official Matt Moylan


Mar 23, 2016
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Yeah and hes playing **** reggies for us you dick head
Are you slow ? He’s re signed no club can take him. Fitz has said he’s the future so the club is not releasing him

Log off the computer for a bit and take a walk

Gal The Goat

Oceanic Whitetip Shark
Feb 21, 2021
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Has Tracey been released and signed elsewhere? Haven’t seen anything official yet.
That’s what I was just about to write.

Am I reading Tracey is gone here? Or is this still just speculation from that rumour?


Mar 23, 2016
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You really think team recruitment are only watching first grade footy. **** me mate, go back to the covid thread where you do your best work
are you wearing a mask while you type ? May explain the nonsense and dribble coming from you
Feb 3, 2015
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Exactly, if they had an opening. Our team is near top of the table with the best attack in the comp and people want to shuffle our halves? It’s ludicrous. Yeah there may be some positives to trindalls game moylan doesnt have, but the only game i see turning out differently with a hynes/trindall pairing would have been the raiders match.

We’ve lost 2 games with moylan/hynes so far and both were lost due to sloppy defence all over the park more than anything
Personally I don't think it's that crazy. Tricky has a more complete halves game, especially with the boot. If he could show that he can consistently dig deep into the line and create space for his outside men I'd like Moyza does so well I'd see little reason not to pick him. But I think this is the main attribute that Moylan does so well every single time he needs to. It has considerably contributed to our success, despite not showing up on the sheet as an assist.

Given that the coach watches them run around for many more hours a week than us, I trust there's good reason why Moylan is still the pick. But I do think if Trick was off contract, we'd be in a play him or he leaves situation. I think he's much closer to being equal or greater to Moylans offering than some suggest.

In saying all that though, I agree with your summation of games that Tricky being in would have changed. In addition though, I don't think we'd really have lost any of the games without Moylan, other than maybe the Parra one? (I can't remember if that's the game he smashed). I think Moylan wins out on experience, purely because we are a shot at winning the lot. If we were an 8th place team it would be easier to lean towards just getting more games under Tricky's belt.
May 17, 2010
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Personally I don't think it's that crazy. Tricky has a more complete halves game, especially with the boot. If he could show that he can consistently dig deep into the line and create space for his outside men I'd like Moyza does so well I'd see little reason not to pick him. But I think this is the main attribute that Moylan does so well every single time he needs to. It has considerably contributed to our success, despite not showing up on the sheet as an assist.

Given that the coach watches them run around for many more hours a week than us, I trust there's good reason why Moylan is still the pick. But I do think if Trick was off contract, we'd be in a play him or he leaves situation. I think he's much closer to being equal or greater to Moylans offering than some suggest.

In saying all that though, I agree with your summation of games that Tricky being in would have changed. In addition though, I don't think we'd really have lost any of the games without Moylan, other than maybe the Parra one? (I can't remember if that's the game he smashed). I think Moylan wins out on experience, purely because we are a shot at winning the lot. If we were an 8th place team it would be easier to lean towards just getting more games under Tricky's belt.
I think people see this as Trindall bashing, and i cant stress enough its not, i love him as a player, but you can consider us right now a winning team, and winning teams dont chop their halves combo up mid season barring injury, origin or suspension.

Trindall will get a run at 6 im sure of it. Hes next in line while Dykes is out, (and probably next year too as dykes has lost a year of development).

Our team needs improvement more in the defensive end than anything. Our erratic style of play is obviously by design so if you put trindall in moylans place i dont think that changes regardless.
Feb 3, 2015
Reaction score
I think people see this as Trindall bashing, and i cant stress enough its not, i love him as a player, but you can consider us right now a winning team, and winning teams dont chop their halves combo up mid season barring injury, origin or suspension.

Trindall will get a run at 6 im sure of it. Hes next in line while Dykes is out, (and probably next year too as dykes has lost a year of development).

Our team needs improvement more in the defensive end than anything. Our erratic style of play is obviously by design so if you put trindall in moylans place i dont think that changes regardless.
I'm definitely not saying that. I'm in the same boat. I love Tricky and I wouldn't bring him in at this point. My point around this whole conversation is I just think there are lots of good points on both sides, and I think what the two offer to the side is much closer than many of the exaggerated arguments floating around give credit for.

Agreed. The defence is the biggest issue, and that's not just our 6, although he's contributing. I don't expect Trindall makes many or any of those tackles Moylan has been isolated on either.


Great White
Oct 11, 2021
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I don't understand why people think Dykes is next in line to partner Nicho.

He was playing fullback before his injury, myself and others see his future at 6 but no one at the club has ever mentioned it to my knowledge.


Mar 23, 2016
Reaction score
I think people see this as Trindall bashing, and i cant stress enough its not, i love him as a player, but you can consider us right now a winning team, and winning teams dont chop their halves combo up mid season barring injury, origin or suspension.

Trindall will get a run at 6 im sure of it. Hes next in line while Dykes is out, (and probably next year too as dykes has lost a year of development).

Our team needs improvement more in the defensive end than anything. Our erratic style of play is obviously by design so if you put trindall in moylans place i dont think that changes regardless.
Moylan is a very eyes up player

It is difficult to have a boring lay the platform type of game kick in the corners type aslong as he’s in the halves it’s not his strength and this is the area where we need improvement in the most when like I said our attack isn’t doing it and other levers need to get pulled. Side to side does not always work

Against the hard teams we fall on the eyes up sword 80% of the time

Best believe in finals the same thing will happen to us if we can’t adapt with Moylan


Mar 23, 2016
Reaction score
I don't understand why people think Dykes is next in line to partner Nicho.

He was playing fullback before his injury, myself and others see his future at 6 but no one at the club has ever mentioned it to my knowledge.
No one does just bwb


Jun 4, 2007
Reaction score
Personally I don't think it's that crazy. Tricky has a more complete halves game, especially with the boot. If he could show that he can consistently dig deep into the line and create space for his outside men I'd like Moyza does so well I'd see little reason not to pick him. But I think this is the main attribute that Moylan does so well every single time he needs to. It has considerably contributed to our success, despite not showing up on the sheet as an assist.

Given that the coach watches them run around for many more hours a week than us, I trust there's good reason why Moylan is still the pick. But I do think if Trick was off contract, we'd be in a play him or he leaves situation. I think he's much closer to being equal or greater to Moylans offering than some suggest.

In saying all that though, I agree with your summation of games that Tricky being in would have changed. In addition though, I don't think we'd really have lost any of the games without Moylan, other than maybe the Parra one? (I can't remember if that's the game he smashed). I think Moylan wins out on experience, purely because we are a shot at winning the lot. If we were an 8th place team it would be easier to lean towards just getting more games under Tricky's belt.
Some have been saying that through the last two times we re-signed him though. Supposedly we should have promised him the 7 years ago or he was a sure thing to be gone.

Also to your next line, is that in reference to particular comments? From what I have seen most who prefer Moylan, or accept that the coach does, are not suggesting it is a big gap.


May 21, 2008
Reaction score
Tracey got released

Trindall got re-signed

Big difference

More of a the club valuing one player over the other
You're missing a fair chunk of history there, Wiz. It's easy enough to find so I won't go over it again.


Grey Nurse
Jan 2, 2010
Reaction score
Moylan is a very eyes up player

It is difficult to have a boring lay the platform type of game kick in the corners type aslong as he’s in the halves it’s not his strength and this is the area where we need improvement in the most when like I said our attack isn’t doing it and other levers need to get pulled. Side to side does not always work

Against the hard teams we fall on the eyes up sword 80% of the time

Best believe in finals the same thing will happen to us if we can’t adapt with Moylan
very eyes up but is involved in all our set plays, usually the one straightening the attack to give room to kennedy or sifa. our attack isnt much without moyza.
Feb 3, 2015
Reaction score
Some have been saying that through the last two times we re-signed him though. Supposedly we should have promised him the 7 years ago or he was a sure thing to be gone.

Also to your next line, is that in reference to particular comments? From what I have seen most who prefer Moylan, or accept that the coach does, are not suggesting it is a big gap.
I think Tricky really announced himself with the start to the year though, which separates from those times that he has been re-signed as he hadn't really done that. I know others have said that in the past, I hadn't been in that camp. In the past when it had been floated I was more in the camp of let him leave if that was the case.

Comments downplaying Trindall rather than talking Moylan up is what I am referring to.