Official Cronulla Sharks Board + Management


Great White
Mar 13, 2009
Reaction score
He opened up a discussion about the board. He asked for feedback you guys gave it. He was unconvinced as was i. He then critiqued the board and produced newspaper articles as back up. You guys gave the generic line of all journalists hate us. What did you want discussed.


Great White
Mar 13, 2009
Reaction score
To answer all your questions...i am prepared to vote for a man who did all you mentioned.


Bull Shark
Oct 6, 2007
Reaction score
He opened up a discussion about the board. He asked for feedback you guys gave it. He was unconvinced as was i. He then critiqued the board and produced newspaper articles as back up. You guys gave the generic line of all journalists hate us. What did you want discussed.

I rest my case


Bull Shark
Sep 7, 2005
Reaction score
To investigate systematic failures into the management of the football department. Sounds specialist to me. Unless we are looking at from a liability angle or an arse covering exercise.

Me too. That's why they went to specialists. I don't see now why you asked why did they outsource when you agreed with my analogy.
Jul 5, 2010
Reaction score
He opened up a discussion about the board. He asked for feedback you guys gave it. He was unconvinced as was i. He then critiqued the board and produced newspaper articles as back up. You guys gave the generic line of all journalists hate us. What did you want discussed.

haha, um wow. Surely this is sarcasm? Surely!


Grey Nurse
Sep 7, 2005
Reaction score
Ben - assuming you're serious - I'll put it like this.

We KNOW what members of the current board are capable of - good and bad - and we can judge them on their proven record.

All I'm hearing from many of the challengers is 'The Sharks are broke and the current board are no good', which is clearly not the case when objectively measured against some fairly significant criteria.

What will these new guys do differently? How can they prove they'll do it better?

Aside from some fumbles handling the ASADA matter (mainly Irvine's comments, for which I'm not going to judge him too harshly for, given how Rothfield works), I'm more than satisfied with their performance since 2009. Overall, even their handling of the staff dismissals gives me confidence they have made informed decisions and are acting on the best possible advice.

The 'Devil we know' is looking pretty good to me.


May 27, 2008
Reaction score
Peter, would you please answer the question about the skills and vision you would bring to the Board?

I am also interested to know if, an an elected Board member, you would be prepared to work alongside current members of the Board to assist them with the governance issues you infer they fail to deal with in an appropriate manner?

It would be appreciated if you could avoid quoting newspapers as that is hardly what could be considered evidence of anything other that guesswork journalism.

Serious questions. I think they deserve serious answers if one is to consider voting for you.

Thank you. I look forward to your reply


Apr 1, 2010
Reaction score
The Bar
Peter - you've been asked a few questions in this thread, but you haven't properly answered one - You've skirted around them and gave political non-responses to all of them.


Mako Shark
Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
It is good to see the feedback. I will answer the questions posed but a few points first. Over 4000 people have viewed this blog (from what I can understand) and it is only the few who post. Some are obviously representatives of the current board and are either posting on board members behalf, or are the board member who won't acknowledge their actual name. That is fine. But when somebody like Ben jumps on and says something do you really have to come down hard on him? I have no idea who Ben is but please allow all Sharks supporters to have their say. We have all heard your opinions and regard them as blog entries.

I have also searched high and low to find the other nominees visions, financial strategies and so on but could not locate them. I assume that seeing you have requested mine you have requested them from the others.

Would I be prepared to work alongside current board members? Absolutely. That is business. You get on for the betterment of the bigger cause which is the Sharks.

Do I have any affiliation with De La Salle? Absolutely not.

What vision do I bring to the Club? The vision I have for the Club is for us to be playing rugby league in the NRL at Shark Park for many years to come. There is talk of us being moved to Perth, Darwin, or even out of the NRL altogether. That cannot be allowed to happen. It is important for the licensed club to do well so the vision is to make that a destination of choice for entertainment. The short term vision is to have us free of the current mess. Talk of people suing us, talk of undisclosed player payments, the ASADA investigation, financial concerns, coaching staff employment, and other issues have to put to rest. Rather than be referred to as the "embattled Sharks" let's be referred to as a success story.

Financial strategy: Step 1 is to introduce confidence into the general public as concerns the Board, the Club and our playing roster. We commenced this season with no major sponsor and no stadium naming sponsor. Whilst ever negative stories are coming out about the Sharks sponsor confidence will be low. If stories appear in the media talking of financial concerns, movement to Perth, or anything negative sponsors will not invest. We need a Board that performs.

The other steps include acknowledging exactly what we are receiving from the NRL via the TV sponsorship deal, the licensed club contribution, the property deal funds and current sponsorship deals. We have a wonderful brand in the "Sharks". It is amazing how many sharks jerseys you see people wearing away from game day. We need to promote the brand.

I also raise why we don't receive many free to air games? The Broncos effectively being on every Friday night is a big selling factor for shirt sponsorship and stadium naming. We can't say that it is because they are Brisbane. The Panthers have received free to air Sunday afternoon games so far this year. The question then is what are the panthers board doing to ensure they have TV coverage? And why aren't we on?

NRL teams and financial success is not easy. Tinkler bought the Knights and has had the best advice and things are tough, same can be said for single city teams such as the Titans who don't have the congestion of Sydney as the Sharks do. You have to look at growing the membership (once again impossible if there is no confidence in the Club) and options have to be considered such as memberships that allow say 2 games per year.

My skills: I bring a passion for the Sharks. I was lucky enough to have been born the Shire and attended all of my school in the Shire. My Dad took me to Sutherland oval to watch the early Sharks and then we moved to what is now Shark Park After school I worked at Sharks Leagues Club and Cronulla RSL whilst working full time. I worked as a Police Officer in the Shire in uniform, then specialising in Prosecutions at Sutherland and in the City. I studied Law whilst working as a Police Officer and became admitted as a solicitor. The skills I bring are a commitment to fight on behalf of the Sharks and its players. I won't cave in to the first drip of pressure. I will not encourage players to sign disclaimers absolving the Board of any future court action. I bring an advocacy skill where I go to Court. I don't have to brief out to others. I have appeared at PIC inquiries and CMC inquiries. I run my own legal firm so I bring the skills of business, OHS, human resources to the table. I get things done. I also bring a skill of achievement.

This is not a negative campaign. I fail to see how anybody could be content with the present position of the Club. Where the Club is now is due to the decisions of the Board. It is not alarmist to say that the Sharks as we know them will not exist in seasons to come. You need to put allegiances and unities aside and start to think in the best interests of the Sharks.

Gow's Scissors

Great White
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
King Wan
It is good to see the feedback. I will answer the questions posed but a few points first. Over 4000 people have viewed this blog (from what I can understand) and it is only the few who post.

Correct me if im wrong forumites but im pretty sure that if I click this thread 8 times that's 1 person viewing 8 times, not 8 different IP addresses. Therefor 4000 people haven't viewed this thread.

I have also searched high and low to find the other nominees visions, financial strategies and so on but could not locate them. I assume that seeing you have requested mine you have requested them from the others.

Really? Sounds like a schoolyard argument Peter. "He hit me first miss"!!

Would I be prepared to work alongside current board members? Absolutely. That is business. You get on for the betterment of the bigger cause which is the Sharks.

Motherish at best.

What vision do I bring to the Club? The vision I have for the Club is for us to be playing rugby league in the NRL at Shark Park for many years to come. There is talk of us being moved to Perth, Darwin, or even out of the NRL altogether. That cannot be allowed to happen. It is important for the licensed club to do well so the vision is to make that a destination of choice for entertainment. The short term vision is to have us free of the current mess. Talk of people suing us, talk of undisclosed player payments, the ASADA investigation, financial concerns, coaching staff employment, and other issues have to put to rest. Rather than be referred to as the "embattled Sharks" let's be referred to as a success story.

Wow... that's your vision? That's not a vision, that's every fans current wish right now. So far unimpressed Peter.

Financial strategy: Step 1 is to introduce confidence into the general public as concerns the Board, the Club and our playing roster. We commenced this season with no major sponsor and no stadium naming sponsor. Whilst ever negative stories are coming out about the Sharks sponsor confidence will be low. If stories appear in the media talking of financial concerns, movement to Perth, or anything negative sponsors will not invest. We need a Board that performs.

The other steps include acknowledging exactly what we are receiving from the NRL via the TV sponsorship deal, the licensed club contribution, the property deal funds and current sponsorship deals. We have a wonderful brand in the "Sharks". It is amazing how many sharks jerseys you see people wearing away from game day. We need to promote the brand.

I also raise why we don't receive many free to air games? The Broncos effectively being on every Friday night is a big selling factor for shirt sponsorship and stadium naming. We can't say that it is because they are Brisbane. The Panthers have received free to air Sunday afternoon games so far this year. The question then is what are the panthers board doing to ensure they have TV coverage? And why aren't we on?

NRL teams and financial success is not easy. Tinkler bought the Knights and has had the best advice and things are tough, same can be said for single city teams such as the Titans who don't have the congestion of Sydney as the Sharks do. You have to look at growing the membership (once again impossible if there is no confidence in the Club) and options have to be considered such as memberships that allow say 2 games per year.

Again, we know this, how is it fixed? How is confidence introduced? How are sponsorships gained? How is membership driven? How...

My skills: I bring a passion for the Sharks. I was lucky enough to have been born the Shire and attended all of my school in the Shire. My Dad took me to Sutherland oval to watch the early Sharks and then we moved to what is now Shark Park After school I worked at Sharks Leagues Club and Cronulla RSL whilst working full time. I worked as a Police Officer in the Shire in uniform, then specialising in Prosecutions at Sutherland and in the City. I studied Law whilst working as a Police Officer and became admitted as a solicitor. The skills I bring are a commitment to fight on behalf of the Sharks and its players. I won't cave in to the first drip of pressure. I will not encourage players to sign disclaimers absolving the Board of any future court action. I bring an advocacy skill where I go to Court. I don't have to brief out to others. I have appeared at PIC inquiries and CMC inquiries. I run my own legal firm so I bring the skills of business, OHS, human resources to the table. I get things done. I also bring a skill of achievement.

Peter, lets be fair dinkum. Passion, achievement and commitment aren't skills. 1 is an emotion 1 is a promise the other is the result of using skills to achieve an outcome. What skills do you bring to the board?


Tiger Shark
Jul 17, 2007
Reaction score
Port Macquarie
Thanks Peter. Credit where it's due. Your putting yourself out there and that takes balls. Put it this way, I know more about you and what you are about than others.

A good mix of new and old is required to move forward. Who knows, you may be in with a shot.


Oceanic Whitetip Shark
Jul 5, 2010
Reaction score
The Luke Massey Hill
It is good to see the feedback. I will answer the questions posed but a few points first. Over 4000 people have viewed this blog (from what I can understand) and it is only the few who post. Some are obviously representatives of the current board and are either posting on board members behalf, or are the board member who won't acknowledge their actual name. That is fine. But when somebody like Ben jumps on and says something do you really have to come down hard on him? I have no idea who Ben is but please allow all Sharks supporters to have their say. We have all heard your opinions and regard them as blog entries.

I have also searched high and low to find the other nominees visions, financial strategies and so on but could not locate them. I assume that seeing you have requested mine you have requested them from the others.

Would I be prepared to work alongside current board members? Absolutely. That is business. You get on for the betterment of the bigger cause which is the Sharks.

Do I have any affiliation with De La Salle? Absolutely not.

What vision do I bring to the Club? The vision I have for the Club is for us to be playing rugby league in the NRL at Shark Park for many years to come. There is talk of us being moved to Perth, Darwin, or even out of the NRL altogether. That cannot be allowed to happen. It is important for the licensed club to do well so the vision is to make that a destination of choice for entertainment. The short term vision is to have us free of the current mess. Talk of people suing us, talk of undisclosed player payments, the ASADA investigation, financial concerns, coaching staff employment, and other issues have to put to rest. Rather than be referred to as the "embattled Sharks" let's be referred to as a success story.

Financial strategy: Step 1 is to introduce confidence into the general public as concerns the Board, the Club and our playing roster. We commenced this season with no major sponsor and no stadium naming sponsor. Whilst ever negative stories are coming out about the Sharks sponsor confidence will be low. If stories appear in the media talking of financial concerns, movement to Perth, or anything negative sponsors will not invest. We need a Board that performs.

The other steps include acknowledging exactly what we are receiving from the NRL via the TV sponsorship deal, the licensed club contribution, the property deal funds and current sponsorship deals. We have a wonderful brand in the "Sharks". It is amazing how many sharks jerseys you see people wearing away from game day. We need to promote the brand.

I also raise why we don't receive many free to air games? The Broncos effectively being on every Friday night is a big selling factor for shirt sponsorship and stadium naming. We can't say that it is because they are Brisbane. The Panthers have received free to air Sunday afternoon games so far this year. The question then is what are the panthers board doing to ensure they have TV coverage? And why aren't we on?

NRL teams and financial success is not easy. Tinkler bought the Knights and has had the best advice and things are tough, same can be said for single city teams such as the Titans who don't have the congestion of Sydney as the Sharks do. You have to look at growing the membership (once again impossible if there is no confidence in the Club) and options have to be considered such as memberships that allow say 2 games per year.

My skills: I bring a passion for the Sharks. I was lucky enough to have been born the Shire and attended all of my school in the Shire. My Dad took me to Sutherland oval to watch the early Sharks and then we moved to what is now Shark Park After school I worked at Sharks Leagues Club and Cronulla RSL whilst working full time. I worked as a Police Officer in the Shire in uniform, then specialising in Prosecutions at Sutherland and in the City. I studied Law whilst working as a Police Officer and became admitted as a solicitor. The skills I bring are a commitment to fight on behalf of the Sharks and its players. I won't cave in to the first drip of pressure. I will not encourage players to sign disclaimers absolving the Board of any future court action. I bring an advocacy skill where I go to Court. I don't have to brief out to others. I have appeared at PIC inquiries and CMC inquiries. I run my own legal firm so I bring the skills of business, OHS, human resources to the table. I get things done. I also bring a skill of achievement.

This is not a negative campaign. I fail to see how anybody could be content with the present position of the Club. Where the Club is now is due to the decisions of the Board. It is not alarmist to say that the Sharks as we know them will not exist in seasons to come. You need to put allegiances and unities aside and start to think in the best interests of the Sharks.

I agree with everything you are saying except for our brand. We haven't got one we are the ugly bitch of the NRL (that Youtube midget singing Up Up Cronulla really boosted our profile).
I think you are fighting a losing battle with this mob as they just don't get it.


Mar 2, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks for your answers Peter.

I don't think it's fair to pick apart Peter's responses. They are what they are. Make your decisions based on them, or ask relevant follow up questions. This shouldn't devolve into a debate.


Mako Shark
Mar 30, 2013
Reaction score
To "Gow's scissors". If you are in any way supportive of Gow's behaviour with the scissors, and with Beath, I don't have a great deal to discuss with you. We are trying to move the Club forward.


Grey Nurse
Sep 7, 2005
Reaction score
Peter, the one issue I have with your statements is that you continually ask "how can we be happy with where the club is now".

Sure we are not at the end of the rainbow, but look where we were four years ago and tell me we are not vastly better off.

I also have a question, now that I've seen your manifesto.

Did you write in support of the property development, or did you speak in support of it at he PAC hearings?

I did, and I live over three hours away.


Bull Shark
Oct 6, 2007
Reaction score
Thanks for having the balls to come in here Peter and sharing a bit about yourself. You make some fair points but I think you are probably fighting a losing battle trying to convince some people because of their connection to DI or the board.

For me personally, iam not focussing so much on what's happened the last four years because depending upon how the drug saga plays out a lot of that progress could be lost. Iam instead focussing on who I think is best credentialed to take the club forward. And to he honest iam not too keen on ex-footballers or shire good bloke locals getting places. We should be aiming higher. You employ an experienced CEO to run the football club whilst the board deals with the top end of town.

There's definately a need for one or two legal eagles on the board so I wish you the best in the elections.


May 27, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks for taking the time to answer those questions Peter.

The critical thing for me is that you are prepared to work collaborative with existing Board members.

It's a tough crowd in here and I'm sure you understand why, however as stated earlier by another poster, it takes courage to put yourself out there.

Everyone has an opinion on the current Board and they differ between those who think our junk media releases facts when in reality they are clutching at straws like very one else and those who have worked on Boards and senior management roles. The later know the drill in serious governance issues and I'd suggest understand in the current ASADA investigation the absolute need for the Board to release nothing into the public domain.

The Board may have presided over this club when something went down, however no Board can stop a group of people in their employ from undertaking something against the club, NRL, ASADA or WADA rules.

You are a lawyer are you not Peter? It's that little thing called collusion.

Anyway, as I said, much more impressed with the latest post. I think this type of post should be the mainstay of your pitch to voters. Good luck.


May 20, 2006
Reaction score
I know its not the club's biggest problem right now, but why can't we have some female representation on the Board?
I am aware that two ladies were brought in post NZ sex scandal and post Zappia incident, but they have since departed and no prospects for more females.

I no longer live in the Shire, but I would have thought there must be some good candidates available that a ticket could have encouraged to join them.


I must admit that I'm disappointed that no women put their hand up for nomination.

Through my business networks I've met some pretty impressive Shire women who would be an asset to the Board.

Women are huge stakeholders in the game. It's a pity their voice isn't heard more.


May 20, 2006
Reaction score
Just on the whole "outsourcing" thing...

I see it as crucial that the investigation was done with a level of professional separation.

How could an investigation done by Board members ever be acted upon in terms of wrongful dismissal?

Personally, I see the engagement of an external professional with specialised and relevant expertise as a bit of a master-stroke of corporate governance and the Board at the time should be applauded for that decision - not derided.

It's called transparency, independence and an avoidance of conflict of interest at all times.

The NRL's integrity unit was set up for similar reasons. Professional distance and separation of authority and delegation is paramount for it to be effective.

You wouldn't get an in-house person to audit the books or go to a tyre fitter to get your transmission fixed.

I mean imagine if the Police were responsible for investigating the Police...

Oh wait...