Official Cronulla Sharks Board + Management


Mako Shark
May 7, 2009
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The Board Elections

Whom of the football club members are voting for the current board to stay, and who are electing those contesting the seats, my understanding is that it is 3-seats being contested.

Obviously there is a need for change (new blood).

Google News

Dec 16, 2005
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It's time for rugby league clubs to grow up

It's time for rugby league clubs to grow upSydney Morning Herald, AustraliaTHE members of Cronulla Sharks club started voting yesterday for a board. The directors, when elected, will have a great deal of work ahead of them to repair the damage which players and management have inflicted on the club. ...


It's time for rugby league clubs to grow up
May 23, 2009

THE members of Cronulla Sharks club started voting yesterday for a board. The directors, when elected, will have a great deal of work ahead of them to repair the damage which players and management have inflicted on the club. The controversy, renewed last Monday week by the ABC's Four Corners report about a group sex session in Christchurch seven years ago involving players and officials, has combined with a growing financial crisis, as sponsors have decided to end their association with the club, to threaten Cronulla's future.

Some of Cronulla's problems are typical of all sports. Reni Maitua's positive drug test is deeply disappointing for the club, certainly, but it is only one individual's poor judgment - not an entrenched culture. Other problems, though, are uniquely prevalent in rugby league.

What has turned the public and sponsors against the Sharks has been the allegations of sexual conduct which suggest an entrenched culture of oafish, exploitative misogyny. It is league's treatment of women which has turned the public away. Are the new candidates seeking election to the Cronulla board offering to change things?

Rumours of a pervasive culture of boorish male sexuality abound. The club and its supporters have denied them all: Sex toys were not given to players at the club to take home last year; the club does not have a sex shop owner as a sponsor; the sex shop owner in question, Con Ange, has said he did not enter the players' dressing room with two scantily clad women. The two women were not prostitutes, as one club member told the Herald they were led to imagine, but members of the marketing team for a brewery. So the club' supporters say. The Sharks' chief executive, Tony Zappia, concedes he did hit a staff member, Jenny Hall, in the face, but says it was an accident which happened while he was shadow boxing. The club has not commented on the report that it paid Ms Hall $20,000 after the event, but accepting Zappia's explanation, there is, as far as the club apparently sees, no problem at all.

Unfortunately for the Sharks, that does not mean things will return to normal soon. The community on which the club depends has decided it disagrees with the club's view.

The immediate result of the rehashing of the Christchurch episode was the departure of four sponsors. Then on Thursday, the club's major sponsor, LG, announced it would not be renewing its association with the Sharks when it lapses at the end of the season. That puts the future of the club in jeopardy, but given the circumstances, who could blame LG?

There have been calls for the board to resign, but the board insists it cannot do so. We suggested last week that the language of money was one which all professionals understood. In the case of the Sharks club and its board members, it appears that understanding may be slow to dawn.

Nor will things return to normal soon for the National Rugby League which, despite its efforts to combat the misogynist culture which is at the bottom of much of what is now troubling the Sharks and rugby league more generally, risks being dragged down by it. The collapse of one Sydney-based club would mean the NRL might be in danger of breaching the television contracts which oblige it to present eight matches a week for broadcast.

Recent events have focused attention on the Sharks, their scandals, and the club's inadequate attempts to deal with the deep-seated problems which caused them. Other clubs' supporters may be inclined to look on and gloat. It would be a mistake. The NRL, for all its genuine attempts to deal with the code's long-standing, ugly attitude to women, cannot change those attitudes at club level by itself. It cannot supervise what happens at club level.

Some clubs are making an effort. Some - particularly the newer NRL franchises such as the Titans and the Storm - do not have the sour, boys' club traditions in which misogyny thrives. They know the value of every supporter, male and female, and cannot afford to alienate a single one.

Others, though, believe they still know best and have no need to change. They should look at the Cronulla Sharks and learn the lesson that club is teaching them - the lesson in how not to behave.

Real missing link: a workers' club gig

SCIENTISTS, particularly archaeologists, have been clicking their tongues in disapproval at the treatment of Ida, the 47-million-year-old fossil of a lemur-like animal revealed to the public this week. But one of Ida's promoters, Jorn Hurum, a Norwegian palaeontologist, defended the blaze of publicity: "Any pop band is doing the same." We have to disagree with him. Certainly there are some ancient pop bands out there, and some indeed are fossils, but none is 47 million years old. Even the Rolling Stones were not born then - Keith Richard excepted, of course. As a scientist, Dr Hurum should know that a rock act can only be properly described as fossilised if either all its members have had a hip replacement, or your grandmother knows the words to their songs. A truer, but informal, test of fossilisation is available: a foreign band's presence on the Sydney club circuit. As for Ida, we can see she's very well preserved, but does anyone remember her hits?

Google News

Dec 16, 2005
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Board under fire in Sharks election

We'll save you: Aussie sticks with BluesSydney Morning Herald, AustraliaIn a meeting at NRL headquarters, Gallop apparently succeeded in placating Symond, who was concerned about a series of disastrous headlines involving Cronulla. They included the Matthew Johns group sex scandal, payment of $20000 to a former Sharks ...


We'll save you: Aussie sticks with Blues

Jacquelin Magnay, Brad Walter and Joel Gibson
May 23, 2009


Also yesterday, the NRL gave the embattled Cronulla board until Monday to table a report into the circumstances surrounding the payment to Hall and an update on Maitua.

The Sharks board is expected to meet the NRL later on Monday to explain its financial situation and strategies with which it intends to raise funds.


Back at Cronulla, the winds of change were blowing as former players, sponsors and members voted for a new Sharks board with some, including former star player David Peachey, calling for a vote of no-confidence as soon as the new board was in place.

Only three new candidates are standing for election, meaning a majority of incumbent board members would remain despite widespread calls for them to resign.

Chairman Barry Pierce remains unopposed for the top job.

Neale Johnstone, whose company Talon Civil is a signage sponsor at Shark Park, said he expected a motion of no confidence in the new board at Thursday's annual general meeting, after which 40 signatures would force a new election. A Sutherland councillor and about a dozen businesspeople had been discussing putting themselves forward in the event of a no-confidence vote, with the aim of getting club legend Andrew Ettingshausen involved with the club, at least in a figurehead role, he said.

Johnstone said he had voted for the three new names on the ballot paper - among them businessman Ricky Surace, who will withdraw his own $170,000 sponsorship next year if the same board is elected.

Ettingshausen did not return calls yesterday.

Peachey said a vote of no confidence would "probably be a good thing".


Mako Shark
May 7, 2009
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Ricky and Damian, you have my vote.

It is good to see someone with the passion that you have shown Ricky, and this is what is needed to ensure that our beloved Sharks survive. All the guys and girls on this form are very passionate about the Sharks and we want to see them exist....forever.

With the Sharks having approx. $13 million about 10-years ago, and now having a debt of $11 miilion, this is a loss of approx. $24 million over 10-years....what is going on.

Well done and good will get on the board.


Sig Pic Geek
Sep 17, 2006
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I urge all of you to vote for the three new candidates, Damian Irvine, Ricky Surace and Paul Walker.
Please, for the good of the club.

Google News

Dec 16, 2005
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Internal report reveals Sharks name is 'poisoned'

Internal report reveals Sharks name is 'poisoned'Fox Sports, Australia... when the board meets to discuss its submission to the NRL. Those directors gunning for Pierce will point to the internal report and its damning findings. Pierce and his board have been inexorably linked to the dramas that have engulfed Cronulla. ...


Internal report reveals Sharks name is 'poisoned'
By Brent Read
May 23, 2009

The size of the challenge confronting Cronulla has been rammed home by an independent internal report that reveals the Sharks brand has become "poisoned" by the spate of controversies enveloping the club.

The report, compiled by the club's commercial department, reveals the run of bad publicity in recent weeks - beginning with the club's financial woes and culminating in star utility Reni Maitua's failed drug test - rendered the Sharks unappealing to sponsors and corporate partners.

It means the Sharks will be in no rush to find a major sponsor to replace LG Electronics, which has already announced it will part ways with the club at the end of the season. Even when Cronulla goes to the market, it faces a significant challenge in finding a backer willing to attach itself to the club.

The Bulldogs went through a similar ordeal before opting to give Camp Quality space on the front of their jersey when they were unable to find a major sponsor.

While the Bulldogs were able to survive thanks to a rich leagues club, Cronulla has no such luxury. Given the club's parlous financial state - the Sharks have a significant debt, including a $9 million loan from St George Bank - the report represents a significant blow to a club that is already struggling to stay afloat.

The troubles, however, extend well beyond the club's attractiveness to corporate supporters and its financial state. The Sharks are divided at board level, with directors split over the future of chairman Barry Pierce.

Pierce, a director for nearly two decades, has become the target for much of the vitriol at the Sharks in recent weeks and his tenure as chairman appears unlikely to last, given the revolt against him at board level.

It was reported that members of the board were prepared to move on Pierce more than a week ago but the long-time chairman failed to attend the planned meeting. It is understood that showdown could now occur Saturday when the board meets to discuss its submission to the NRL.

Those directors gunning for Pierce will point to the internal report and its damning findings. Pierce and his board have been inexorably linked to the dramas that have engulfed Cronulla. Given as much, one director suggested the board was "poisoned" as well.

The conflict at board level has put the club in a difficult situation. Directors have been asked to front the NRL en masse. They have also been asked to provide a submission to the NRL before that meeting.

It is understood some members of the board have worked on the submission on the belief that if Pierce remains in power, the club will fold. The rebel directors' paper is expected to be tabled at Saturday's board meeting.

While the Sharks are fighting for their own financial survival, the bad publicity surrounding the code has also affected the NRL. NRL chief executive David Gallop has been in talks with sponsors, including the club's major backer Telstra, which injects $12 million a year into the code.

Gallop also held talks with John Symonds, head of Aussie Home Loans, Friday. The company is a $1 million supporter of the State of Origin series but has threatened to withdraw its support for the game unless something is done to end the bad publicity.

"We have had a meeting with John Symonds and his team at Aussie this morning," Gallop said.

"Pleasingly, John and his team see the fit for his company and the millions of people who follow rugby league. But we certainly agree there are issues that are of concern to Aussie and their association with the game.

"We agree our clubs and our players need to be accountable for their actions. We agreed that our players should not need any reminding that if anything further happens to damage the reputation of the game the pressure to deal with that heavily will be intense."

Asked about the Sharks situation, Gallop said: "We have given the Sharks an extension until first thing Monday morning to reply to the allegations. We will meet their board on Monday afternoon.

"I have got great faith in rugby league. We saw another brilliant round of footy last weekend. We have challenges in front of us, but hopefully we get on top of those challenges."
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Mar 2, 2007
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People are not voted ONTO the Sharks board. You have to be voted off. Only then can non-incumbants get a place. If you want Irvine, Walker or Surace on the board, you must make sure that Tubridy and Crowley are not voted for.

That said, it's probably a moot point. There is almost certainly going to be a vote of no confidence in the board as soon as voting ends...


Bronze Whaler
Apr 21, 2008
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I urge all of you to vote for the three new candidates, Damian Irvine, Ricky Surace and Paul Walker.
Please, for the good of the club.

if i become a leagues club member today, can i vote? someone earlier mentioned you need to be a member for 3 years?



Mar 2, 2007
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if i become a leagues club member today, can i vote? someone earlier mentioned you need to be a member for 3 years?



You don't need to be a member for three years, but if you join today you won't be on the member voting rolls. It's too late now, I'm afraid.

No harm in joining though so you can have your say when there's a vote of no confidence in the board.


Sep 7, 2005
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No harm in joining though so you can have your say when there's a vote of no confidence in the board.

If you are a member of the football (for 3 yrs) and leagues club, do you get two votes?


May 27, 2008
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Listen to the News in next hour boys. Board standing down. Time for New Leadership.
Extrodinary General Meeting to come.

You beauty!!!!!!!


May 16, 2008
Reaction score
Listen to the News in next hour boys. Board standing down. Time for New Leadership.
Extrodinary General Meeting to come.

You beauty!!!!!!!

Just heard about a 3:30 media conference. Better be good news!


May 27, 2008
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Mark my words, New Board structure to come. I would suggest Baz will resign.


Jul 17, 2006
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The entire board quits

At 4pm today the entire board will quit effective immediatly. Now maybe the fortunes of the club will turn around. Zappia will follow soon.


Kitty Master
May 7, 2006
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Mark my words, New Board structure to come. I would suggest Baz will resign.

Factor in the timing. 2hrs before kick off to a pretty important game. Although most may see Barry's resignation as a positive, I'd suggest they may announce something that will be more broadly accepted as a good thing.

I don't have much faith in the way our Club is run, but surely they 2hrs out from tonight's game isn't a time to announce that the Club's leadership is now up in the air.

We'll find out soon enough though I suppose.

Google News

Dec 16, 2005
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Sharks board calls fresh election

Sharks board calls fresh electionRugby League Live, AustraliaThe board of the Cronulla leagues and football clubs has endorsed embattled chairman Barry Pierce but also called an extraordinary general meeting "for the purpose of conducting a fresh election" in the wake of the NRL club's series of off-field dramas ...


Sharks board calls fresh election rating


The board of the Cronulla leagues and football clubs has endorsed embattled chairman Barry Pierce but also called an extraordinary general meeting "for the purpose of conducting a fresh election" in the wake of the NRL club's series of off-field dramas.

A board election is currently underway at the Sharks and the club said it would also run its course before a new vote after members meet by the end of July.

"The board unanimously resolved to hold an extraordinary general meeting of all Members by July 31, 2009 for the purposes of conducting a fresh election and recommend changes to the club's constitution," a Sharks statement said on Saturday.

"Details of the election will be announced at the annual general meeting on Thursday, 28 May.

"The current election will run its course.

"The board endorsed Barry Pierce as chairman and looks forward to the current board members being re-elected during the current election."

The board met on Saturday "to discuss recent events and the concerns of members", the statement said.

Pierce's position has come under intense scrutiny in recent weeks with his role in the cover-up of a sex scandal in 2002 and the Sharks' dire financial position fuelling calls for him to stand down.

The club plunged into another crisis on Thursday with major sponsor LG Electronics announcing it would not continue its $700,000 a year agreement, while an accidental punch by chief executive Tony Zappia on a former female employee last year was revealed to have cost the club $20,000.

Pierce is due to hold a media conference later on Saturday.


May 27, 2008
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It was an interesting comment from Baz in the press conference (seen on Fox Sports).

He stated he could not comment on other matters raised recently "for legal reasons".

Now I may be a novice, but does this suggest some kind of legal proceedings are being considered by the Sharks in relation to the matters reported?