A Message For Wrist Slitters And Whiteants


Total gronk
Apr 2, 2010
Reaction score
In your head, rent free
Fair enough mate, you're entitled to say so.

i do, like i have the right to voice my frustration at how utterly crap holdsworth and robson are

how bad ayshford and carneys defense has been

how about peter sharp's coaching? yep, i can say what i ****ing well want about that as well

either as a member or non member, if the club is going like busteds, they should be called out about it

its not always rainbows and butterflys, especially when you havent scored a single ****ing try for 188 minutes of football


Great White
May 18, 2011
Reaction score
Good points but regarding them helping tigers/newcastle. Neither of those 2 teams broke rules. On purpose or not all staff from 2011 have shaped this future we are now in.

Feel what yas want about flanno i dont think he cheated, i do think he was led to believe there wasnt a banned substance hence why it was put to bed and not brought up (for 18 months). The nrl fined us for this failure of many aspects of the games code of conduct. Including player welfare. Banned or not banned there were substances administered and the negligence could have been harmful. Hard to find a place the nrl could assist the club with that one. They could however been supporting the players a bit, noone bar earl has been suspended but according to most every cronulla player from 2011 is a drug cheat. These blokes have families and friends
Well both those clubs sold out to very questionable business identities, Tinkler and Elias, guys who have subsequently proven to be as dodgy as they have always appeared.

We're accused of running a drugs program that doesn't have a single positive test to say it happened.

In the end the actions of those 2 clubs will cost the game a lot more than the sharks will.


May 27, 2008
Reaction score
Iron Shark is a good bloke.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions
The club is doing nothing to provide supporters any confidence things are going to change
Coach doesn't want to coach
No one wants to play for us
Players look as interested as the fans
Sponsors non existant

All sweet.

In my opinion it's a ****ty state of affairs and I have not seen an ounce of leadership apart from the CEO to even attempt to convince us the club is turning any corners.

So all in all, they can get fugged because that's how they make the fans feel
Sep 7, 2005
Reaction score
The Ridge!
i do, like i have the right to voice my frustration at how utterly crap holdsworth and robson are

how bad ayshford and carneys defense has been

how about peter sharp's coaching? yep, i can say what i ****ing well want about that as well

either as a member or non member, if the club is going like busteds, they should be called out about it

its not always rainbows and butterflys, especially when you havent scored a single ****ing try for 188 minutes of football

Yes, Yes and Yes. Don't know what it is Snowman but I mustn't be thinking straight at the moment. Seems everytime I've come on here lately, I've got into a disagreement with you. And lost. :) Oh well.
Have to admit you're right. Of course we all have the right to say those things. But I understand where Iron Shark is coming from. Outsiders read this and use it as fuel to say we're a dysfunctional club. Can't win either way.
Aug 11, 2011
Reaction score
Perth WA
My personal Pride has nothing to do with it for me.
I admit that I become Mr Cranky pants when we lose cos I want to see us succeed and it hurts when we don't.
I don't give a toss of what others might say about the Sharkies and I still wear my BWB Jersey (and I have every jersey style since the 80's) when I run to work the next morning no matter what, win, lose (lose badly) or draw!
I love the Sharkies and support them through thick and thin.
So, if I make a comment on here about wanting to see my (our) team try to blood our juniors, it's because I've accepted this year has gone and want us to be in the best position to hit the ground running next year.
I also think everyone on here wants the same, but we all have different opinions on how to achieve that.
We all have the right to agree to disagree on the way forward, but we also all share a common desire!
To see the a Sharks succeed!

End rant here!


Total gronk
Apr 2, 2010
Reaction score
In your head, rent free
Yes, Yes and Yes. Don't know what it is Snowman but I mustn't be thinking straight at the moment. Seems everytime I've come on here lately, I've got into a disagreement with you. And lost. :) Oh well.
Have to admit you're right. Of course we all have the right to say those things. But I understand where Iron Shark is coming from. Outsiders read this and use it as fuel to say we're a dysfunctional club. Can't win either way.

thats not an arguement chadley... did you miss me and tef having a row?

slide rule

Mar 24, 2009
Reaction score
General Admission
I can see both sides.

Some of this has been caused by bad luck, some by bad management.

I'll criticise, but at the end of the day I'll retain my membership because I want the club to survive. The club is bigger (or at least should be bigger) than any bellend that may be employed at any given point of time.

El Coconuto

Great White
Aug 22, 2009
Reaction score
Haven’t posted here for a while, but this seemed like a pretty good thread to drop my 2c on. (And yes, this only my lowly 2c worth…)

I think Iron Shark is right in what he is saying, but I do think that what he is describing only accounts for 1-2% of the fan base who have been certifiably over the top and out of their minds in the response to how the Club has played its hand.

But I do believe the rest of the fan base are within their rights to express frustration – and shouldn’t be deemed lesser fans than others for doing so.

As a former employee (yeah, hi, it’s me!) there were often times when I allowed (and needed) the negative feedback to drive me to better results. There is nothing shameful or wrong about calling reality, well, reality. Clubs know that. Players know that. If they don’t, they should. (Note: I actually think our players are very good there. They’ve been nothing but accountable – sometimes moreso than they’ve needed to be – for the way the season has unfolded) I hate using real-life atrocities in a comparison that involves something as relatively unimportant as sport, but pretending everything is okay when it isn’t is pretty much how the Nazi’s came to be and operate. (Just to reiterate, this is not a holocaust, but the idea of “ignorance" is absolutely applicable). Fans who act within this reality shouldn’t be attacked.

In the same vein, people should avoid labelling all fans who carry the flag (like Iron) as ignorant. In many cases, they’re acutely aware of what’s going on and wouldn’t deny it if asked. And seriously - if after a few days, you wake up with an inability to shake off the sting of a loss, then you probably need to get out and live more. #JustSaying

There are no good fans and bad fans. Just fans who react differently. A range of varying life's lessons should guarantee that. Keep splitting your wrists if it makes you feel involved in the Club. If the right people are in place, with the type of skin that you’ll need to get by, the only time you’re actually going to hurt the Club is when you withdraw your financial support of it (don’t do that!) irrespective of the song and dance you do in-between.
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Tiger Shark
May 1, 2007
Reaction score
good speech...no really good speech......I especially like the bit where you call out a bunch of people on the intermanet then state " I'm not even going to reply to this thread coz I know I am right and so do you".

The club wrote off this season before the first whistle was blown. We as members deserve a ****load better than that considering the crap we have put up with for years whilst still forking out our hard earned for membership and merchandise.

Edited: to add the clause. I am totally right and you totally know it, but I will not respond to anyone which just reinforces how right I am"
Jul 29, 2006
Reaction score
I love the Sharks.
No different to my two young daughters cause me plenty of angst, but some great highs as well.. Roll on 2015. Can't wait for the shadow of gallen towers to cast across the field at shark park. We are here forever!!


Great White
May 15, 2011
Reaction score
I think its important to understand that there is a difference between whinging, letting off steam and being honest in your appraisal. I also think sharks fans need to lose the chip on their shoulder regarding the nrl - if they wanted us gone or relocated it would already be in progress. I think however if you are going to criticize the club become a member (if you are not already) and turn up and vote or better yet if you are in a position to turn the club around run for the board it would be good to get passion back at the top hopefully it would filter down


Apr 1, 2010
Reaction score
The Bar
I think its important to understand that there is a difference between whinging, letting off steam and being honest in your appraisal. I also think sharks fans need to lose the chip on their shoulder regarding the nrl - if they wanted us gone or relocated it would already be in progress. I think however if you are going to criticize the club become a member (if you are not already) and turn up and vote or better yet if you are in a position to turn the club around run for the board it would be good to get passion back at the top hopefully it would filter down

I agree with almost all of this


Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
White ants and wrist slitters?? nice

pft nice speach...ironsheep

1. We bring Dank in and contrary to the club Doctor's advice injected players with ALLEGED banned substances.
2. Knee -jerk reaction to direct a blood thirsty media to our door steps and become the NRL's sacrificial lamb.
3. We follow that up with another knee-jerk reaction in booting out the board responsible for obtaining the DA and possibly saving the club.
4. We extend a banned coach at least partly responsible for the above **** storm to a further 3 years.
5. We recruit probably the WORST (and that's saying something) group of players in a single season (prior, holdsworth, ayshford) and they proceed to play pretty much how anyone with any knowledge of thos eplayers expected them to.
6. Only club without major jersey sponsor. still.
7. We install a guy who doesn't give a **** as our head coach, who then proceeds to not give a ****.
8. Despite the season being over we refuse, until recently, to blood promising juniors.

(yes 5 and 6 may be due to ASADA, but the coach/club can't use something as an excuse when they are responsible for that very same thing, some seem to equate the negative effects of ASADA with an act of god, it's not "well our attendance is down, but the earthquake demolishing half the stadium has a bit to do with it" no the club did this to itself).

Blind faith is admirable, stupid, but admirable. The she'll be right attitude has got a bit to do with not having won anything EVER, I recon. I'll never stop supporting this club but *** If I will support stupidity or inept management. Both trademarks of this club of recent. The sky isn't falling, the club will get past this, but it's a bit rich to call anyone who doesn't goose step to your tune a white ant or wrist slitter.

How'd the blind faith work for that Rozelle Village mob?


Apr 1, 2010
Reaction score
The Bar
White ants and wrist slitters?? nice

pft nice speach...ironsheep

1. We bring Dank in and contrary to the club Doctor's advice injected players with ALLEGED banned substances.
2. Knee -jerk reaction to direct a blood thirsty media to our door steps and become the NRL's sacrificial lamb.
3. We follow that up with another knee-jerk reaction in booting out the board responsible for obtaining the DA and possibly saving the club.
4. We extend a banned coach at least partly responsible for the above **** storm to a further 3 years.
5. We recruit probably the WORST (and that's saying something) group of players in a single season (prior, holdsworth, ayshford) and they proceed to play pretty much how anyone with any knowledge of thos eplayers expected them to.
6. Only club without major jersey sponsor. still.
7. We install a guy who doesn't give a **** as our head coach, who then proceeds to not give a ****.
8. Despite the season being over we refuse, until recently, to blood promising juniors.

(yes 5 and 6 may be due to ASADA, but the coach/club can't use something as an excuse when they are responsible for that very same thing, some seem to equate the negative effects of ASADA with an act of god, it's not "well our attendance is down, but the earthquake demolishing half the stadium has a bit to do with it" no the club did this to itself).

Blind faith is admirable, stupid, but admirable. The she'll be right attitude has got a bit to do with not having won anything EVER, I recon. I'll never stop supporting this club but *** If I will support stupidity or inept management. Both trademarks of this club of recent.

How'd the blind faith work for that Rozelle Village mob?

Whilst I don't want to get into a slanging match here - your points are solid.


Dec 31, 2009
Reaction score
Area 51
I believe we have to respect other's thoughts and comments on:

How the player's play
How the coach's coach
How the Board's board

and everything else,

knowing if we are venting or congratulating the result is still the same.

We support one team, one club and sometimes one player.

But we support the Sharks.

One beer too many, time for bed