And you’re probably an extremely caring and understanding person.
Society is ****ed in what we place “value” on. Just be genuinely happy with you bro.
This experience with my ex and her family has been so bloody tough, but so ****ing rewarding. We’re all ****ing misfits who appreciate each other and build each other up to be the best versions of ourselves we can be, not what society tells you to be.
I’m sorry you had to deal with these bullies bro, I was bullied, I bullied…. Kids suck and it’s because their parents don’t give a ****.
None of what has happened to you is personal. It’s personal for the bully, because they’re being that person to you, that someone has been to them in the past… and they are so hurt that it’s all they can do.
**** them, and just bask in your glorified uniqueness and positive traits, because I promise you there are things you could do, or say, or think, or build… whatever your thing is…. We’re all playing for second best.
Once you find out what your thing is, throw all your energy into that, and use these people who were pricks to you as motivation to grow, or just let it go all together and do it because you deserve it.
Your moral compass is there. You know right and wrong, but unfortunately your bullies didn’t… and for me recently, it’s been hard realising that not everyone operates by the same moral code… this is very hard for me because I place needs and wants on things instead of just letting things be.
This can go in one ear, and out the other, if you need to… but just let it all go mate.
You can’t change it… what you can change is how you let that affect you.
It sounds like you’ve reflected on it a lot, and place a lot of pressure on yourself trying to justify the actions of these shitty people who made your life, which was already hard, even harder.
Let it go bro. You’ve got your shark brothers all here. We might not all get along, or win against the tigers…. But we’ll turn up every week for you… ****… you can organise mad Monday.
I just want you to be happy mate. Our brains try their hardest to tell us we can’t, but just be happy

use that time to think of all these mad ****s who are thinking of you and telling you what they think of you, which is opposite of what you think… you’re a legend mate.
Ps boys. Detox kicked me out lol.
Long story, but I’m putting it down to a combination of lack of communication between staff and me being terribly frustrated because I have a lady telling me I shouldn’t be there… like I haven’t ****ing planned this every single step of the way for months… **** that lady seriously.
I’m already in a fragile state, I’m in detox going to rehab ffs, leaving everyone behind. They used my venting and sharing of my past as a way of coping against me?
If anyone is a lawyer hmu cos we got a case (serious not serious)
I can’t argue anything, because it’s my word against a bunch of doctors sticking up for each other. I just want to go to rehab ffs and get on with my life. If I speak up they’ll just say I’m crazy and I’ll be committed or some ****.
Just had to go in and say yes, sir, no sir, three bags full sir, and just hope this rehab will still take me.
Because I walked out in a ****ing panic state (felt like my life was being taken away from me, I couldn’t even think.)
My thought process was “if I’m going to be made out to be like this over nothing, I’ll give you an actual reason” and I give them a bigger spray than Cameron Smith would have got after being binned at Shark park.
TL;DR. Minor hiccup. Can go 3 ways (back to detox under strict conditions, which I’d be happy to because it keeps them accountable.
I can provide urine samples for the next couple of days to show I’m interested in it.
Or I visit them for like a week and they monitor my mood, that was because of some weekend warrior bitch who obviously had no idea what was going on (im being vague here on purpose)
So ball is rolling still, maybe just a week later because of my reaction to incompetence in health care.
I’ll be sweet, all the support is there… I feel ****ing guilty for showing up before the 6 months… but just wanted to share the little hurdle life threw at me recently.
“Things can be out of my control and I need to learn to be ok with it” - Some annoyed, but still optimistic”