Official Kade Dykes


Bull Shark
Sep 16, 2018
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Dykes, Miller and Kennedy all fighting for the 1 jersey can only be a good thing.
The one with the best defence should get it.
Can't remember WK ever making a try-saving tackle or stopping a try on our goal line tbh.


Apr 25, 2010
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At the Tucky
I like what we're doing around debutants. Maybe it Fitz, but we seem to be fostering an enviornment that's more than just a stats sheet. Given it's old boys day and his dad's watching on, this kid must be feeling on top of the world... and ready to re-sign?

Fitz is big on club history and respect - there was an article about it month or so back

Alternatively Fitz is trying to out do Flanno on the fullback hunger games front

In choosing him over Miller well I guess Kade is more likely to be a part of long term future, Miller not sure where he stands ongoing from here (5/8 depth for Mozza?).

It's a softer part of our draw coming up so it makes sense to get some game time and confidence into Dykes now incase Kennedy isn't ready for finals or goes down with injury again

Still important we win every game from here to finals though so Fitz showing some confidence in the rest of the team to get it done alongside the newcomer

Me too. I remember that season when kimmorley was injured most of the year and dykes played 7 for us. Had the year of his life. **** he played some amazing footy that year. Think it was 05? Or 06?

Mid 2000's era Sharks are kinda hazy for me, I missed a alot of games and the squad just has never stuck in my mind like other periods of following the Sharks but I know we had a mix of classic sharks player and newcomers in and around the squad.

2001 is the year I remember Adam Dykes playing like a beast for Cronulla - it was the year that Preston Campbell won the Dally M Halfback of the year before being replaced by Kimmorley in the 7 the following season ofcourse

What I certainly don't remember is Adam Dykes being the Dally M 5/8 of the year in 2001 - the same year Presto won the Dally M, that's crazy!
So we had 2 Dally M spine players and still didn't make the GF, fmd we were heart breakers back in the day . Wasn't like the rest of our team was no good, we had fire all across the park.

Don’t get me wrong, I hope young Dykes blows the dragons out of the park, but I
Just don’t want to see the opposite happen.
That would be worse…….

Ref gunna send Kade off just so he can say "On ya Dyke son"

Personally offended we aren’t playing with 12

We could have named Tolman @ 1 if we really wanted to let Kennedy know what we think of him....

Kennedy ain't gunna lose his position or place in the pecking based on 5 weeks from a Rookie , even if the Rookie carves up

Kennedy needs the genuine pressure and competition though , he's had it at training I spose all year but now he has to watch someone else in his jersey for over a month and needs to come back playing well or even better than he was before


Super Moderator
Apr 8, 2008
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Fitz is big on club history and respect - there was an article about it month or so back

Alternatively Fitz is trying to out do Flanno on the fullback hunger games front

In choosing him over Miller well I guess Kade is more likely to be a part of long term future, Miller not sure where he stands ongoing from here (5/8 depth for Mozza?).

It's a softer part of our draw coming up so it makes sense to get some game time and confidence into Dykes now incase Kennedy isn't ready for finals or goes down with injury again

Still important we win every game from here to finals though so Fitz showing some confidence in the rest of the team to get it done alongside the newcomer

Mid 2000's era Sharks are kinda hazy for me, I missed a alot of games and the squad just has never stuck in my mind like other periods of following the Sharks but I know we had a mix of classic sharks player and newcomers in and around the squad.

2001 is the year I remember Adam Dykes playing like a beast for Cronulla - it was the year that Preston Campbell won the Dally M Halfback of the year before being replaced by Kimmorley in the 7 the following season ofcourse

What I certainly don't remember is Adam Dykes being the Dally M 5/8 of the year in 2001 - the same year Presto won the Dally M, that's crazy!
So we had 2 Dally M spine players and still didn't make the GF, fmd we were heart breakers back in the day . Wasn't like the rest of our team was no good, we had fire all across the park.

Ref gunna send Kade off just so he can say "On ya Dyke son"

We could have named Tolman @ 1 if we really wanted to let Kennedy know what we think of him....

Kennedy ain't gunna lose his position or place in the pecking based on 5 weeks from a Rookie , even if the Rookie carves up

Kennedy needs the genuine pressure and competition though , he's had it at training I spose all year but now he has to watch someone else in his jersey for over a month and needs to come back playing well or even better than he was before
Pretty sure Dykes lead the Dally M outright much of that year and was top 3 overall. Presto got him with a late flurry after the votes went dark.

I think up until about 2000 they used to give awards for 2nd and 3rd overall - but they canned it. Healey got a trophy for 3rd once I think. Maybe 94/95-ish.


Jun 4, 2007
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I don't expect big things from Kade on Saturday night.

If he can just limit his mistakes and set up Jesse and the wingers that will be fine.
Just a low mistake game with at least 3 try assists, got it


Apr 1, 2010
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Two or three tries shouldn't be out of the realm of possibility