Ideas etc #8

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Nov 10, 2007
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Someone at the Sharks needs to draw a line in the sand if we are ever going to put an end to these damaging headlines which are reeling out of control.

Barry Pierce needs to be the sole spokesman for the off field admin dramas and someone else needs to start talking about footy again and promoting the team and the good stuff. The media might only be interested in the bad stuff, but the club is not really giving them anything else to talk about.

Does anyone at the club care about the fans at the moment? Seems to me they are all bunkering down and neglecting us all as a result of these off field dramas. But until they take control, flick the switch and separate the two issues we will not move forward.

Good crisis management is about ring fencing the big problem before it destroys the rest of your business. Get on the front foot Sharks and stop being a punching bag for the media.


Mako Shark
May 6, 2009
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I don't think its a matter of them not caring about us.. Its more a case of them being on the back foot and trying to defend the little dignity the club has left...

The media has no other big headlines at the moment so all there doing is having a field day with any clubs who step out of line... It's quite sad


Oceanic Whitetip Shark
Apr 26, 2006
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Whatever happens re those tapes, if Zappia does not resign he should be punted in the least exspensive way. We did the right thing and got rid of bird; the same must apply to club mgmt. it's sad irony that zappia can't see the damage he is causing the club. he oversaw bird's dismissal, now it is time for him to put the club, team, sponsors and supporters first. get going, zap.


Bronze Whaler
Jan 31, 2008
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Does Zappia have any integrity? He should resign immediately and not expect a pay out, at the end of the day he has only been with us a short while. I read in the news papers today he is dragging this process out to increase the size of his payout from the club. Don't pay him a cent!


Aug 23, 2006
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Auckland NZ
Does Zappia have any integrity? He should resign immediately and not expect a pay out, at the end of the day he has only been with us a short while. I read in the news papers today he is dragging this process out to increase the size of his payout from the club. Don't pay him a cent!

I thought he didn't even hold a formal contract with the club, so what is all this talk of a possible payout?


Tiger Shark
Jan 4, 2009
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I thought he didn't even hold a formal contract with the club, so what is all this talk of a possible payout?

i am not sure of the finer details but from what i have heard he doesnt have a contract - therefore easy and cheap to get rid of.... I think Zappia wants to ensure Ms Hall is dragged through the police system for the illegal recording first - then maybe he will put the club first and resign...

we are in the midst of a clean out - people are gonna get hurt and toes stepped on but the club needs to be put first in all of the decisions..

there is no one individual at the sharkies who is more important or valuable than the club itself..who ever needs to go for the greater good should go -this is about the future and the fans!!


Mako Shark
Dec 3, 2008
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As it stands Zappia is going to defend himself first, end of story, & he has that right. All the rubbish that is going on with these tapes, if illegal, slam the woman, & then get out. From what I have heard they appear to be edited & from what you see on channel 7, or the others, they never let the truth get in the way of a good story. The whole 'spank me' thing sounds to me that it was said in jest because he had made some mistake so jokingly made the comment, have done similar many times in my life. She does not sound at all distressed.
Win or lose, he has the right to defend himself, but must resign when it's all over. If guilty, the club should, if possible, try & sue him for some kind of damages. The Sharks need to get everything back on track ASAP.

I cannot believe all the vicious women & girly men reporters out there that obviously hate the game & want all men to be foppy, so are doing their best to destroy it, all the while patting each other on the back for producing a hard hitting social comment, when they are just jumping on the bandwagon. Is it any wonder people like me consider journalists to be the lowest lifeform on the face of the earth.. I hope they all get swine flu..


May 20, 2006
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(firstly, apologies for the essay but it’s something I’m pretty passionate about)

There is an interesting undertone that is being suggested here.

Something that I’ve been thinking about, and that has really been amplified with all the latest dramas with the Sharks, is the relationship of the community to “The Media” and its involvement in our daily lives.

Obvious questions arise:
“Who is The Media?”
“What is The Media’s role?”
“How does The Media work?”
“What is my relationship with The Media?”
“How can I get The Media to work for me?”

I do not have the answers to all of these but it seems to me that there is a fundamental community distrust of the structure of how information is delivered to them and whether that information is actually true or not. I believe that the community as a whole has an expectation that their news sources should be un-biased, ethical and factual. However, there seems to be little engagement or understanding of the community into their own role in the process. I think most people want to believe that “the truth” is important and that is why they go to multiple sources of information to try to establish what exactly is true.

The reality of the situation is that there is no “The Media” building where a bunch of seedy, smart-arsed bullies gather together to establish whose life that they can destroy today. Commercial media is very much driven by advertising and as such, everything that they do has a financial motivation – the ethics of that situation are hideous. Sadly, the community has remained naïve and still has the antiquated expectation that “news” is some sort of holy and incorruptible truth. In actual fact, News is just the distraction that is used to expose the community to as much advertising as possible.

Newspapers, television, radio and online media outlets are all commercial businesses that are driven by a motivation for profit and power. There is no holy truth ideal there. As an industry, it is no different to any other... It is in competition for your money. It is there to pursue profit and greed.

The basic position is that these businesses want your money… and you want their information.

With the huge increase of people getting their information online, traditional media outlets are getting more and more aggressive in how they can expose people to advertising. That is why it is the highly charged emotional issues getting fuelled. Scandals, tragedies, disasters, sexual abuse, racial vilification… they all sell because the consumers of “The Media” that is “You” buy it.

Now, the way I see it is that online forums like this are the best way to take the power of those businesses away. That is because everything that we say and do in these forums is part of the public record and by definition, as publishers of that information, we are part of the media. Let us not be deluded that everything that is written here is being viewed by friend and foe alike. Don’t give your enemy ammunition but do bolster and encourage your allies.

Admittedly, we need our club to become more Media savvy and understand that they are not in an adversarial “us & them” type situation and more of a symbiotic relationship – after all, without each other, neither would exist. The current administration of the club is so far behind the times when it comes to understanding this that they’re left to look like a bunch of floundering buffoons. Change is needed and needed fast. Arguing legalities and semantics isn’t going to change a damn thing – if our product is tarnished any further, it isn’t going to be worth anything – and then watch the vultures swoop!

So when I hear people saying “The Media is out to get us” I can’t help but think … well get off your arse and do something about it… stop buying it.

You’ve got the power... start using it… get involved.


Oceanic Whitetip Shark
Apr 26, 2006
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zap can defend his reputation without ruining that of the club. police investigations and any ensuing legal procedings could take upwards of two years. he should do the right thing and step aside during that time - for the good of the club and game. if he is then cleared, fair enough. if he wont act, the club must.


Great White
May 21, 2009
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Hard to defend against when the media isnt finding new stories, but digging up old ones instead and re-introducing them to the public with more detail. What are the current board to do?

If more controversies happen that is when i will deem this new board a failure as to me, one of their main goals should be to rebuild our club's image as right now we are the new Bulldogs, which is a massive embarrassment.


Bull Shark
Mar 27, 2008
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More revelations are on the Footy show tonight from that bitch


Tiger Shark
Sep 11, 2006
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i read in todays daily telegraph that the sharks have put porters first fulltime contract talks on hold till the zappia situation is sorted out, i would have thought this would have been a good time to sort this out as this would have given the club some postive press and diverted some of the attention away from the zappia story.


Great White
May 21, 2009
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that the sharks have put porters first fulltime contract talks on hold till the zappia situation is sorted out, i would have thought this would have been a good time to sort this out as this would have given the club some postive press and diverted some of the attention away from the zappia story.

Nothing will do that. Its the biggest one around. I would wait until it dies down then bring out the positive to suggest changes are being made with the new board and prob new CEO.

slide rule

Mar 24, 2009
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General Admission
More revelations are on the Footy show tonight from that bitch

And there better be someone on that panel ready to ask the hard questions.

There has been not been enough scrutiny of this story.

This moron has been given a free run and it needs to be brought to an end.


Great White
May 21, 2009
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And there better be someone on that panel ready to ask the hard questions.

There has been not been enough scrutiny of this story.

This moron has been given a free run and it needs to be brought to an end.

Gould did it before and prob will again. Especially since he is mending things with Stuart. Hard to dispute a tape tho.


Tiger Shark
Mar 18, 2009
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More revelations are on the Footy show tonight from that bitch

How do you know this? I was told that she was not welcome back on the show? I hope Gus nails her again. I mean that in a totally non sexual way but im sure Mangy bitch could twist it!

slide rule

Mar 24, 2009
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General Admission
Hard to dispute a tape tho.

I dispute that the tape was legally allowed to be played on television.

I also dispute the way that channel 7 has only released certain parts of the tape. If they want to use it they should make the tape available on-line and in full, or not play it at all.

The full context of the conversation needs to be known for it to have any relevance.


Nov 10, 2007
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How did this become another Zappia thread? Short attention span people.


Jun 2, 2006
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Great post fitz...

You're not part of the media are you? ;)

Something that I’ve been thinking about, and that has really been amplified with all the latest dramas with the Sharks, is the relationship of the community to “The Media” and its involvement in our daily lives.

Obvious questions arise:
“Who is The Media?”
“What is The Media’s role?”
“How does The Media work?”
“What is my relationship with The Media?”
“How can I get The Media to work for me?”
This is something that became an issue in the US with Murdoch and his empire. Although many issues weren't resolved, I feel Australia's position is different, in that due to our small population (even smaller when in reference to league) the media have realised they can effect change and worse, create the news.

The doors have been opened now, we are in strife, not only our leagues club, the chaser boys copped it when in the past they have done much more offensive skits, the poor sharks in the sea copped it when the Telly went out chasing sharks and.... shock horror they caught one, from now on any point of view which isn't in line with popular consensus it will be open to attack.

Attack being a strong word, however it is on the verge of that. They will pull something down then when it's at it's worst build it back up again, or vice versa, build it up only to rip it down again just to gain revenue and prove they are the better news outlet.

There are other things I would be willing to debate regarding the media and our beloved Sharks, however as you say, public forums are not the place for it.

As for stopping it, I'm afraid the only hope we have is for someone else to pull a bigger stinker than us, or people to get bored with us. Neither of which I see occurring in the near future.

As for tonight with Magnay on the tube, I will refuse to watch it for a very real fear of throwing my boot through the TV.

Additionally, to hear porters contract talk has stalled.... dumbfounding.


Nov 10, 2007
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Commercial media is very much driven by advertising and as such, everything that they do has a financial motivation – the ethics of that situation are hideous.

Including ratings. In fact, every ratings point is worth an estimated $150,000 to a TV network in prime time.

And that's the reason Channel Seven paid $50,000 to Jenny Hall. In their eyes it was money well spent because it gave them a ratings win over Nine again. And in turn they can ask more from advertisers because they're attracting more viewers.

I'm just annoyed that the Sharks aren't more media savvy. So many clubs these days invest in media training - most notably St George. It's expensive but the pay off is enormous. It helps players and officials deliver a safe and positive message while avoiding being dragged into controversial or damaging topics.
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