Feedback - game day experience for home games


Bull Shark
Jul 21, 2011
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I got dragged to a few St. Helens games whilst in the old dart, long story short, small crowd, lots of singing, chants, giving it to the ref. Didn't leave with a voice and loved every second of it.


May 20, 2006
Reaction score
Folks go to the footy for different reasons - some want to make noise and some don't. Some want to wear footy jerseys and some don't. Some love flags and some hate them.

Nought as queer as folk.

I hate the organised "We Are Sharks" chant and response - it reminds me of Catholic Catechism in my Primary School... and has about as much authenticity.

Yes some good initiatives are coming along nicely but ultimately the ones that have the best traction are those that are from a grass-roots origin and the collective narrative built from a folksonomic (bottom-up) level of defined inclusiveness of all the groups and individuals that constitute the fanbase.

Unfortunately, there seem to be a taxonomic (top down) approach to social media and game-day engagement and that will not really work.

Pictures of dudes in scuba gear braving the elements did more to talk about the good-natured resilience of the Sharks and their community than much of the other confected stuff. That is because it is real, visceral and authentic.

Getting the win in insane conditions was the icing on the cake.


Tiger Shark
Dec 14, 2009
Reaction score
yep, and you would know from going to parra stadium how noisy those bogans are, they leave us for dead

Haha.Yep, I'd love for us to be that loud.

I can tell the people in the row in front of us hate it when we're vocal at the game, got a few filthy looks off them. Watch it at home if you expect peace and quiet.
Yes, we've had the filthy looks as well and quite often it's from the people who are just there for that game...annoys me even more. We don't swear or anything, just cheer...loudly.
Sep 7, 2005
Reaction score
The Ridge!
I can tell the people in the row in front of us hate it when we're vocal at the game, got a few filthy looks off them. Watch it at home if you expect peace and quiet.

Are they the same people that stick up their two fingers when we get a penalty in front of the posts?

slide rule

Mar 24, 2009
Reaction score
General Admission
Folks go to the footy for different reasons - some want to make noise and some don't. Some want to wear footy jerseys and some don't. Some love flags and some hate them.

Nought as queer as folk.

I hate the organised "We Are Sharks" chant and response - it reminds me of Catholic Catechism in my Primary School... and has about as much authenticity.

Yes some good initiatives are coming along nicely but ultimately the ones that have the best traction are those that are from a grass-roots origin and the collective narrative built from a folksonomic (bottom-up) level of defined inclusiveness of all the groups and individuals that constitute the fanbase.

Unfortunately, there seem to be a taxonomic (top down) approach to social media and game-day engagement and that will not really work.

Pictures of dudes in scuba gear braving the elements did more to talk about the good-natured resilience of the Sharks and their community than much of the other confected stuff. That is because it is real, visceral and authentic.

Getting the win in insane conditions was the icing on the cake.

So true.

It's why the CSSC particpation is (was) so good.


Nov 28, 2006
Reaction score
Folks go to the footy for different reasons - some want to make noise and some don't. Some want to wear footy jerseys and some don't. Some love flags and some hate them.

Nought as queer as folk.

I hate the organised "We Are Sharks" chant and response - it reminds me of Catholic Catechism in my Primary School... and has about as much authenticity.

Yes some good initiatives are coming along nicely but ultimately the ones that have the best traction are those that are from a grass-roots origin and the collective narrative built from a folksonomic (bottom-up) level of defined inclusiveness of all the groups and individuals that constitute the fanbase.

Unfortunately, there seem to be a taxonomic (top down) approach to social media and game-day engagement and that will not really work.

Pictures of dudes in scuba gear braving the elements did more to talk about the good-natured resilience of the Sharks and their community than much of the other confected stuff. That is because it is real, visceral and authentic.

Getting the win in insane conditions was the icing on the cake.

Yeah I agree with this


Great White
May 20, 2009
Reaction score
Was disappointed last weekend, the pool was a bit too cold and the lifeguard on duty was a prick when I tried to jump in and save a drowning Homles


Jun 22, 2013
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Not sure why people are bringing up the chants for, unless I missed something I didn't see iron say anything about the stupid sharks chant, from his posts I gathered he was talking about the noise level in general, I don't always agree with iron and he has gone over the top before but imo he is spot on with his comments today.

Hasn't anyone else noticed how quiet our crowd goes after kick off, there is a little cheer then dead silence, you can dead set hear a bloke farting from across the other side of the crowd lol

To me it feels like it takes sharks fans more to get into games then it does for other teams fan bases

I brought the chant up bud because IS talked some ****ty discourse about true fans making noise (chants are noise) whereas fair-weather fans were silent. I basically said yeah, I'd rather be silent and retain dignity and not buy into a bs chant than partake in the chant and be the noisy type of fan that IS approves of. As Fitz said, there are more ways to show support and engage beyond IS's standards that he seems to be able to segregate fans and non-fans by.


May 20, 2006
Reaction score
I brought the chant up bud because IS talked some ****ty discourse about true fans making noise (chants are noise) whereas fair-weather fans were silent. I basically said yeah, I'd rather be silent and retain dignity and not buy into a bs chant than partake in the chant and be the noisy type of fan that IS approves of. As Fitz said, there are more ways to show support and engage beyond IS's standards that he seems to be able to segregate fans and non-fans by.

Be the best supporter you want and care to be. I'm sure Iron is doing exactly the same. I believe he takes greater offence to latter-day bunnies fans in the Shire than any Sharks fan.


Kitty Master
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
I don't know about those at the game, but I'm usually hoping for the best while expecting the worst nervously cheering anything we do good and holding my breath when we make an error waiting for it become the tipping point of another one that got away.

I don't know if its some form of post traumatic stress from the years of torture endured supporting this mob, but I'm never optimistic enough to really ride 'em home most of the time, and when I am we usually pull up short to some lot like Raiders or Titans.


Apr 1, 2010
Reaction score
The Bar
I don't know about those at the game, but I'm usually hoping for the best while expecting the worst nervously cheering anything we do good and holding my breath when we make an error waiting for it become the tipping point of another one that got away.

I don't know if its some form of post traumatic stress from the years of torture endured supporting this mob, but I'm never optimistic enough to really ride 'em home most of the time, and when I am we usually pull up short to some lot like Raiders or Titans.

You just described my life...

Matty C of the Shire

Great White
Nov 22, 2011
Reaction score
Canberra, ACT
At the forums and other areas, It was noticed that our fans have we have Become very quiet. If you look back to the 90s and to an extant the early 2000s, we were a loud bunch of fans.
It was suggested by the forums and other groups (FB) that we try and bring it back.

I know some dislike the chants (yes I'm not completely sold on them, but happy to give them a go) as it looks like the kids love it, however I can be wrong.

The drums will be used more in the tank, plus the club wants to bring back the old stuff we used to have , which includes flags! If you have some old chants, bring them out and use them!

I have been very impressed by everyone from SF with their attitudes and willingness to try something new and giving it a go. However if the new things are not working, you have been happy to provide constructive criticism.

i have been doing some work in the shark tank, where it has been slowly growing! The tank will be used in conjunction with CSSC. The tank currently has a mega phone, a cow bell, and drums! These things are there to create some noise which I honestly think the stadium misses hugely.


Jun 21, 2010
Reaction score
Noticed on the Foxtel coverage they showed the new flags being belted by the storm.

Hopefully knocked a few shades of blue out of them :Yes:


Jun 10, 2008
Reaction score
The Shire - 2232
I actually agree in part with what iron is saying, our fans are far to quiet, even when we have 15k people there, there are great lengths of time where it's just so quiet. Imo I reckon we have one of the quietest fan bases in the comp

Ah! A person who can read! You are spot on, mate. That's the only point I was making, too many people who don't get involved. I never made any mention of the "Shark Cry", I think it is more for the kids to have a bit of fun, which is good.

I just want people to get involved. Make some noise, join in the "Sharkies!" chant, clap your hands, stamp your feet, whatever. Just don't sit their like a shag on a rock. Believe me, you'll have more fun!