Official Braydon Trindall


Jul 8, 2021
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Tricky has played 50 first grade games.

Since he replaced Moylan (8 games ago) we have won 38% & lost 62% of our games.

That return needs to be closer to what Moylan managed with Nicho.- 66% win 34% loss.

In my opinion it is not for our star signing in Nicho to change, it is for Tindall to to find the way Moylon won with Nicho as a minimum, but also bring a better kicking game and tighter Left edge defence to the table.

Otherwise we are going backwards...

Deleted member 3365

Tricky has played 50 first grade games.

Since he replaced Moylan (8 games ago) we have won 38% & lost 62% of our games.

That return needs to be closer to what Moylan managed with Nicho.- 66% win 34% loss.

In my opinion it is not for our star signing in Nicho to change, it is for Tindall to to find the way Moylon won with Nicho as a minimum, but also bring a better kicking game and tighter Left edge defence to the table.

Otherwise we are going backwards...

It's tough to compare a halves partnership such as Trindall who had only eight games with Hynes compared to Moylan who had close to two full seasons with Hynes, so naturally there would be more of a relationship.

I'm happy to be proven wrong with stats, but our left edge defence looked solid with Trindall and Graham.

I don't think any one is asking Hynes to change, rather it's the team's over reliance of him. I'm pretty keen to see a Hynes, Kennedy and Trindall combo next year.


Jun 4, 2007
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It's tough to compare a halves partnership such as Trindall who had only eight games with Hynes compared to Moylan who had close to two full seasons with Hynes, so naturally there would be more of a relationship.

I'm happy to be proven wrong with stats, but our left edge defence looked solid with Trindall and Graham.

I don't think any one is asking Hynes to change, rather it's the team's over reliance of him. I'm pretty keen to see a Hynes, Kennedy and Trindall combo next year.
Some seem to want him doing less, or ‘calming down’, or being a 5/8 so he doesn’t get the ball as much and leans into his run game more

Tricky has played 50 first grade games.

Since he replaced Moylan (8 games ago) we have won 38% & lost 62% of our games.

That return needs to be closer to what Moylan managed with Nicho.- 66% win 34% loss.

In my opinion it is not for our star signing in Nicho to change, it is for Tindall to to find the way Moylon won with Nicho as a minimum, but also bring a better kicking game and tighter Left edge defence to the table.

Otherwise we are going backwards...
Keep in mind per Fitz Trindall got the promotion despite Fitz not being happy with his form, but rather because need for change was forced.

Probably would have been sooner and a more beneficial transition if Trindall himself had been playing Cup better.

There were some on here who wanted Trindall parachuted in asap despite his up and down cup form, and that ended up happening… and we got predictably okay performances from him, including that one game he was 7 and really struggled to execute.
Aug 11, 2011
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Perth WA
“Starting in the halves” = 29

I can’t remember to many games where he started in the halves before this season and he only started 10 games this season.
So you are suggesting 19 games outside this season.

Seems a bit high to me but could be right I guess (I just can’t think of that many).


Grey Nurse
Jan 2, 2010
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“Starting in the halves” = 29

I can’t remember to many games where he started in the halves before this season and he only started 10 games this season.
So you are suggesting 19 games outside this season.

Seems a bit high to me but could be right I guess (I just can’t think of that many).


Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
Tricky has played 50 first grade games.

Since he replaced Moylan (8 games ago) we have won 38% & lost 62% of our games.

That return needs to be closer to what Moylan managed with Nicho.- 66% win 34% loss.

In my opinion it is not for our star signing in Nicho to change, it is for Tindall to to find the way Moylon won with Nicho as a minimum, but also bring a better kicking game and tighter Left edge defence to the table.

Otherwise we are going backwards...
Manly - 30-26 L
Penrith - 28-0 L
South’s - 26-16 W
Titans- 36-6 W
Cowboys- 32-12 W
Knights- 32-6 L (Partnered Moylan)
Raiders- 24-6 W
Roosters- 13-12 L

4 wins, 3 losses with Hynes. Not sure how you got the 38% stat?

Deleted member 3365

Some seem to want him doing less, or ‘calming down’, or being a 5/8 so he doesn’t get the ball as much and leans into his run game more

The "calming down" aspect I agree with, in a way. But I do love it when Hynes can see something that is on and with his natural ability he executes successfully.

I think he's the type of player that puts too much pressure on himself if anything.

He does have a good running game, but his passing is pretty elite, and I think that's the last thing I would want him to do less of.


Mar 23, 2016
Reaction score
Manly - 30-26 L
Penrith - 28-0 L
South’s - 26-16 W
Titans- 36-6 W
Cowboys- 32-12 W
Knights- 32-6 L (Partnered Moylan)
Raiders- 24-6 W
Roosters- 13-12 L

4 wins, 3 losses with Hynes. Not sure how you got the 38% stat?
LOL 🤣🤣🫠


Jul 8, 2021
Reaction score
Manly - 30-26 L
Penrith - 28-0 L
South’s - 26-16 W
Titans- 36-6 W
Cowboys- 32-12 W
Knights- 32-6 L (Partnered Moylan)
Raiders- 24-6 W
Roosters- 13-12 L

4 wins, 3 losses with Hynes. Not sure how you got the 38% stat?
Kudos on correcting me on the Manly game - no Hynes: bloody awful game to remember.

Yep, Tricky and Hynes running at a 50% winng % from a small sample Here's hoping that improves quickly.


Super Moderator
Apr 8, 2008
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So they didn’t win proportionally more when Trindall came in?

Wow - it’s almost as if it Moylan wasn’t the sole reason for every loss in the first 20 rounds. Who’d have thought?

Oh that’s right. Me :)

Moylan was ****, but wasn’t the only problem. Swapping him for Tricky made some things better, some things worse, and some things stayed the same.

Ignoring scores and just looking at how he went in a 7 week sample size - Tricky was fine and should have first crack at that jersey next year.


Great White
Sep 10, 2010
Reaction score
So they didn’t win proportionally more when Trindall came in?

Wow - it’s almost as if it Moylan wasn’t the sole reason for every loss in the first 20 rounds. Who’d have thought?

Oh that’s right. Me :)

Moylan was ****, but wasn’t the only problem. Swapping him for Tricky made some things better, some things worse, and some things stayed the same.

Ignoring scores and just looking at how he went in a 7 week sample size - Tricky was fine and should have first crack at that jersey next year.
Given Tricky has not had the same time period as Moylan to build combinations and his age I would say the obvious choice is we should have stuck with Tricky and we should next year as well. Hopefully we can let moylan go and spend the money elsewhere.
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May 21, 2008
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Got bored. GPT'ed a summary of this thread from the start to now. Here it is, I'll do a couple of other now I've saved the generation logic.

The forum thread titled "Official - Braydon Trindall" on "" delves into Braydon Trindall's journey with the Cronulla-Sutherland Sharks. Here's a detailed summary:

Early Posts (Initial Impressions):

  • Contract and Potential: Braydon Trindall's two-year contract extension was met with optimism. The thread starter highlighted his inclusion in the development squad and his Man-of-the-Match title in the Sharks Jersey Flegg Grand Final.
  • Coach's Endorsement: Sharks NRL coach Shane Flanagan's statement, "He's an exciting halfback... He now has an opportunity to train, look and learn from the senior players," further boosted the positive sentiment.
  • Fan's Expectation: Amidst the optimism, there were cheeky comments like "Great news. Anything that leads to chad leaving the club is only ever going to be a bonus."
Later Posts (Evolving Opinions):

  • Playing Style Debate: As Trindall's style became more evident, a user asked, "I haven't seen him play. A running Halfback or more in the mould of Flanno Junior?" Another user's sly comparison, "Really Clever player... I would say he is Thurston style," showcased the divided opinions.
  • Positional Controversy: The debate heated up with comments on his field positions, with a user provocatively stating, "man, the jets agreement is ****."
Recent Posts (Current Sentiments):

  • Performance Analysis: Users began dissecting Trindall's game performances. One gave a mixed review, "Had a pretty good game... Goal kicking wasn't great but the wind was ****ed."
  • High Expectations vs. Reality: The pressure on Trindall was evident, with comments like "I'm lumping a heavy load of expectation on him." juxtaposed against "Seems pretty stocky for your average half, didn't stand out in the game either."
Analysis: The thread transitioned from initial optimism about Trindall's potential to a mix of praise and critique. The debate on his playing style and positional play became more pronounced, reflecting the polarized opinions of the forum members.

Future Suggestions Based on Poster Feedback:

  1. Positional Clarity: Given the debates on Trindall's position, the coaching staff should provide clarity on his role to align expectations.
  2. Skill Development: The mixed reviews on his performance suggest a need for more targeted training, especially in goal-kicking.
  3. Engage with Fans: Direct interactions with fans on such forums could provide valuable insights into Trindall's development and address their concerns.
Feb 3, 2015
Reaction score
Future Suggestions Based on Poster Feedback:

  1. Positional Clarity: Given the debates on Trindall's position, the coaching staff should provide clarity on his role to align expectations.
  2. Skill Development: The mixed reviews on his performance suggest a need for more targeted training, especially in goal-kicking.
  3. Engage with Fans: Direct interactions with fans on such forums could provide valuable insights into Trindall's development and address their concerns.
I assume Chad will send these recommendations straight to Fitz.


Mar 8, 2012
Reaction score
Engage with Fans: Direct interactions with fans on such forums could provide valuable insights into Trindall's development and address their concerns.
