3-2-1 Thread: Sharks vs Titans, NRL Premiership, Round 16, 2011

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Mar 8, 2011
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This is the 3-2-1 thread for the match:

Sharks 36 - Titans 12
NRL Premiership, Round 16, 2011
Skilled Park, 5:30 pm, Saturday June 25, 2011

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Sep 21, 2009
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deano the p's ratings for Sharks vs Titans (NRL Premiership, Round 16, 2011)

3 Points - Paul Gallen: He played like Paul Gallen! (10/10)
2 Points - Chad Townsend: Played very well has a great kicking game. Great goal kicker and he is playing well in other aspects I'm very impressed with him. (9/10)
1 Point - Nathan Gardner: Very dangerous as always, I'm glad we are getting him involved in better plays rather then just setting him up to get smashed. (9/10)

- Matthew Wright: Solid. (6/10)
- Ben Pomeroy: His normal mistakes. (3/10)
- Colin Best: Played well not involved enough and we still don't get him enough early ball. Set up a couple of tries. (8/10)
- Nathan Stapleton: Very good game under the high ball. He played very well. (9/10)
- Wade Graham: Very involved, his kicking still isn't as good as it should be. (7/10)
- John Morris: Played well (8/10)
- Luke Douglas: Douglas was very involved as he always is. He played very well. (8/10)
- Jeremy Smith: I think that was one of his best games in our colours seemed to be involved alot more then normal. (8/10)
- Jayson Bukuya: Very unlucky to miss the points. Great game. (9/10)
- Anthony Tupou: Pretty good game. (7/10)
- Sam Tagataese: Made an impact when he actually did things but he doesn't get involved enough. (7/10)
- Stuart Flanagan: Didn't really get alot of a chance solid. (5/10)
- Taulima Tautai: Meh did alright, solid. (5/10)
- Johnny Mannah: See Tautai. (5/10)

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Apr 1, 2010
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The Bar
Born&bred's ratings for Sharks vs Titans (NRL Premiership, Round 16, 2011)

3 Points - Paul Gallen: He shows the team how to play - excellent game - 2 tries - great captain.
2 Points - Nathan Gardner: Popped up everywhere, heavily involved & really troubled the opposition.
1 Point - Nathan Stapleton: Close call for me on the last point - but 2 good tries seals it.

- Matthew Wright: Limited opportunities - but safe & reliable.
- Ben Pomeroy: Mixed bag - awful defence in general.
- Colin Best: Better game tonight - assisted attack heaps even though he didn't get the spotlight.
- Wade Graham: Better game - he is a good player, kicks ever so slowly improving.
- Chad Townsend: Very unlucky to miss out on a point from me - good game, mostly good in kicking game & attacking decisions, defended pretty well for a kid.
- John Morris: Good game - 30 tackles and some good work at 9.
- Luke Douglas: Good game - definitely not shirking his duty for the Sharks for the remainder of the year.
- Jeremy Smith: Out of position in defence sometimes - lucky tits didn't take advantage. ok though.
- Jayson Bukuya: Getting better & better - 30 tackles.
- Anthony Tupou: Bench is is spot - unlucky not get Gards try.
- Sam Tagataese: Very good for his first hit with us.
- Stuart Flanagan: Hardly noticed him.
- Taulima Tautai: Is he still here?
- Johnny Mannah: Better then previous games, but just ok.

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Feb 21, 2011
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Dan-ce's ratings for Sharks vs Titans (NRL Premiership, Round 16, 2011)

3 Points - Paul Gallen: Work load and effort as always Amazing! 2 Tries get's him top spot!!
2 Points - Chad Townsend: Level headed, is bringing points back to the table, This fella will be big for us!
1 Point - Nathan Stapleton: I've knocked him before, but he has shut that haters up showing he isn't just safe under the high ball but dangerous too

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Master Sharky

Grey Nurse
May 20, 2008
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Central Coast
Master Sharky's ratings for Sharks vs Titans (NRL Premiership, Round 16, 2011)

3 Points - Paul Gallen: Need i say more.
2 Points - Chad Townsend: Sensational, nearly outplayed Gal.
1 Point - John Morris: Was behind most of our go forward, his best ever game for us by far!

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Great White
Sep 26, 2008
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All up in your pixels
Ibanez's ratings for Sharks vs Titans (NRL Premiership, Round 16, 2011)

3 Points - Chad Townsend: Was the standout for mine. Great composure, precision kicking game, and an enthusiasm that screams black white and blue. (10/10)
2 Points - Paul Gallen: Played much a more reserved role than what we're used to, but it let the team work as just that. Everytime Gal injected himself he was lethal and troubled the defence. Legend. (10/10)
1 Point - Nathan Gardner: Determined to follow the ball everywhere. Could see the defence watching Gards' positioning as much as Gal, proved to be a handful as he usually is. (10/10)

- Nathan Stapleton: Past few games from Stapo have been quality. Safe under high ball, strong kick returns and dummy-half runs. Good to the kid bag a double for his efforts. (9/10)
- Sam Tagataese: Did to the Titans what he never really amounted to when he was with them. Explosive hitups with a couple resulting in some damaging linebreaks. Would love to see that off him every week from the bench; great impact. (8/10)

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