2023 Team Assessment


Mako Shark
Jul 9, 2022
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Hi All
wanted to have a thread where we can review what we thought on the team from everyone


1 Will K
Good start to year in attack he has been taking more tougher carries but seems to be looking to score near the line this year and running more than passing his defensive is better and we missed him badly when injured
Needs to more dominant in Good ball

2 Sione K
Slow start to year but found his mojo last 10 weeks
Great at everything and always looking for work solid in D and amazing finisher
Loves hard work great winger
Needs to attack kicks more

3 Jesse R
Great last 10 weeks and built into his strengths lots of hard tough runs and critical in defence often making critical plays
Needs to be given the ball with time and space (early ball)

4 Sifa
Good season overall but form went downhill when we needed him most
in attack he is great and does whatever is needed but his defence is only ok
I feel like another season at centre be great for him and us but needs to read in defence better

5 Ronnie
Hard one here this guy is amazing and so inspirational but can break my heart too
Strong attack and in D just mistakes at crucial times kills him
A massive threat always

6 Tricky
Has great attack and good kicking game but need to put in more effort looks heavy
His D is good and he is fearless
I really want him to play like a 7 that he is and build pressure think long term game management he needs to be the brains and take everything slow

7 Nicko
Amazing in attack at every level and distribution is good but overplays his hand to much and doesn’t trust his team enough yet
Needs to play like a 6 and run when he needs to not when he feels like 👍
Our best player and leader but needs help to guide the ship he doesn’t plan or build he just reacts

Utilities in backs

This guy is great with all the things u need his energy is amazing and his is fearless in D
He just isn’t deadly in attack or strong enough in D for a starter
Best 14 in the comp

Overall rating for our backs
Our wingers are energetic and tough and won’t let us down when needed and I feel are some of the best in the comp wouldn’t swap for any other player

Our centres area deadly in good ball and massive with tough carries and fearless
Everyone would hate playing against them as no matter what side u play against your gonna be sore after the game
We don’t use them well enough both plays need time and space near the line
Playmakers don’t need to overreact just give it to then at pace and watch them go

Ok our halves
In my opinion there round the wrong way
Tricky is the 7 and Nicko the 6
This can be amazing with time and patience we just need to build
Skills and everything is there but never in the one game
We need trick to own the game and manage it kick long build pressure and attack when opening come up
Nicko needs to be ready and willing not overworked and fatigued don’t overplay use ya team and work to our strengths

Forwards to come later

Thoughts everyone????


Not-So-Great White
Jan 18, 2011
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South Coast
Good summary mate. Agree with a lot of it.

Don’t have the patience for the the team, but I think as a team we struggled when teams could stop our go forward and were able to slide. Storm, panthers, broncos, warriors… all these teams weren’t bothered by our side to side style of play. The most recent game against the panthers with the addition of CT we seemed to straighten up a lot more and I really liked this.

Our defence really sucked. I think the personal change might have helped, but it really was just a mental thing. The team seemed like they didn’t care for a lot of the year. Would love to know why this is


Super Moderator
Apr 8, 2008
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Not much to argue with there re: the outside backs. They take a lot of the tough carries.

In saying that, I did feel like some games this year the Sharks got pinned in their own end a bit when the back 5 were bringing it out. Sifa in particular I thought struggled to make metres as the year went on, even though he was still heavily involved. I'd speculate that teams have tactics like "kick to Ronnie, then numbers in tackles on Sifa".

I know he's a forward, but I thought WIlton's work coming out of his own end was a bit under-rated too. For all of the defensive woes and not being able to catch a suicide pass from Moylan, he definitely has the motor and the willingness to rip in. He's a bigger body than Nikora too, so plays a heavier game and is more effective taking tough carries.

Halves conversation I'll leave to the other 17 threads where people are arguing over who should wear which jersey number.
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Apr 27, 2010
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Not much to argue with there re: the outside backs. They take a lot of the tough carries.

In saying that, I did feel like some games this year the Sharks got pinned in their own end a bit when the back 5 were bringing it out. Sifa in particular I thought struggled to make metres as the year went on, even though he was still heavily involved. I'd speculate that teams have tactics like "kick to Ronnie, then numbers in tackles on Sifa".

I know he's a forward, but I thought WIlton's work coming out of his own end was a bit under-rated too. For all of the defensive woes and not being able to catch a suicide pass from Moylan, he definitely has the motor and the willingness to rip in. He's a bigger body than Nikora too, so plays a heavier game and is more effective taking tough carries.

Halves conversation I'll leave to the other 17 threads where people are arguing over who should wear which jersey number.
I think Wilton will be better for the 80 mins games he played this year. Prior to this year was mostly used off the bench so think or hope we'll see a better version of Wilton, which will be great. Hopefully not more hospital passes too!


Great White
Nov 18, 2009
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In saying that, I did feel like some games this year the Sharks got pinned in their own end a bit when the back 5 were bringing it out. Sifa in particular I thought struggled to make metres as the year went on, even though he was still heavily involved. I'd speculate that teams have tactics like "kick to Ronnie, then numbers in tackles on Sifa".
Agree on Sifa – he doesn't shirk the work but he's lost the impact in his carries. Ronnie also only gets us on the front foot when he manages a half break – much more running sideways than running hard.

Early in the season I thought our right edge were out of form. That definitely flipped by the end of the year.


Great White
Apr 11, 2022
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Certainly felt like Ronnie and Sifa struggled in the last couple of months of the season, although they both looked like they were carrying injuries.


Oceanic Whitetip Shark
Apr 24, 2021
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New Zealand
I've said this before, we have too many mid tier players.
I totally agree , many who have reached their ceiling or are very close , some who I thought would have kicked on better just haven't . I'm always prepared to be patient and still am with some , but some players may have reached their peak . I really think outside of Hynes if one or more of the other 3 spine members aren't going to step up to become a real game changing player then it may become time to start looking to import someone in .
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Mar 8, 2012
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I totally agree , many who have reached their ceiling or are very close , some who I thought would have kicked on better just haven't . I'm always prepared to be patient and still am with some , but some players may have reached their peak . I really think outside of Hynes if one or more of the other 3 spine members aren't going to step up to become a real game changing player then it may become time to start looking to import someone in .
I'm still filthy with Xerri, he was the electric player we desperately needed. Would have been an absolute superstar by now if he didn't **** it up four yeara ago.
Sep 7, 2005
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The Ridge!
I'm still filthy with Xerri, he was the electric player we desperately needed. Would have been an absolute superstar by now if he didn't **** it up four yeara ago.

Agree totally with this, if he doesn’t stuff up, he’s the left centre that we’re missing, no offence to Sifa.

And even with him stuffing up, coming out and telling the truth about what happened instead of us having to keep paying him may have seen the club be a bit more sympathetic and keep in touch with him.

Will be interesting to see how he goes at the Dogs next year.


Great White
Sep 10, 2010
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I totally agree , many who have reached their ceiling or are very close , some who I thought would have kicked on better just haven't . I'm always prepared to be patient and still am with some , but some players may have reached their peak . I really think outside of Hynes if one or more of the other 3 spine members aren't going to step up to become a real game changing player then it may become time to start looking to import someone in .
Graham going, need moylan gone, Finucane to the bench and a really good prop. I am expecting more from Trindall next year. Dykes hopefully pushing for spots as well.


Jun 4, 2007
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Agree totally with this, if he doesn’t stuff up, he’s the left centre that we’re missing, no offence to Sifa.

And even with him stuffing up, coming out and telling the truth about what happened instead of us having to keep paying him may have seen the club be a bit more sympathetic and keep in touch with him.

Will be interesting to see how he goes at the Dogs next year.
Hopefully he flops after he dragged out every cent he could
Feb 3, 2015
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Agree totally with this, if he doesn’t stuff up, he’s the left centre that we’re missing, no offence to Sifa.

And even with him stuffing up, coming out and telling the truth about what happened instead of us having to keep paying him may have seen the club be a bit more sympathetic and keep in touch with him.

Will be interesting to see how he goes at the Dogs next year.
You guys need to let it go now and get ready for the pre-season and 2024.

No use crying over spilled Xerri anymore.

We lost him. Let’s move on.


Oceanic Whitetip Shark
Apr 24, 2021
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New Zealand
I'm still filthy with Xerri, he was the electric player we desperately needed. Would have been an absolute superstar by now if he didn't **** it up four yeara ago.
I know I'm stretching but I try to trust my gut when observing young sports players and I seen something extra in young Dykes that excites me , I thought Metcalfe had something different but this fella looks to have real game . I have been in horse racing for decades and I trusted my gut with young horses and wasn't often wrong , usually the mentality that was the failure and you can't really read that crap until it happens . Xerri a case in point , who knew , but yes extremely disappointing .
I think Dykes with all things being even could well be entrenched somewhere in the spine by the end of next season .


Oceanic Whitetip Shark
Apr 24, 2021
Reaction score
New Zealand
Graham going, need moylan gone, Finucane to the bench and a really good prop. I am expecting more from Trindall next year. Dykes hopefully pushing for spots as well.
I would like to see a mongral forward , forget this no more ********s policy , every good team has ********s , good guys win nothing .