He'll come back IMO. Publicity
Dunno bout publicity. I think he got a little ahead of himself in regards to who actually holds the cards at the UFC. Dana's little boy decided to bite the hand that fed him, believing that no way would this 200 card be able to go ahead without him on it.........Dana certainly showed him who is actually in charge. Had no choice really, if he gave in to Connor then every fighter on the roster would start holding the UFC to ransom similar to what a lot of boxers do.
I remember when Butterbean flew out to fight on a Jamie Myer card years ago. 2 minutes before the main event, Butterbean in his dressing room, demands an extra $15k cash in hand or he wont walk out to the ring. Jamie told him he had exactly 5 minutes to get his gear and get the F*&k out of the building before he had him arrested for trespassing and even less time to get out of the country before the goon squad would be on his tail (not forgetting that back then OMC's ran most of the security).
Strangely enough Eric had a change of heart, and entered the ring only a few minutes past the scheduled time.