I don`t know if this has ever been brought up but for years ive always had this thought of a reality rugby league show.
Basically every off season a bunch of guys are selected to go through a trial and the winner gets an nrl contract with a club for a year.I know soccer have done this and i swear ive had this idea for 10 or so years before they thought of it,
The difference would be that they werent just young kids looking for a break it could be all different ages even a 34 year old who sits on the lounge saying he could of been there if he stuck at it. we hear that all the time at the pub dont we? The only stipulation is they obviously cant be signed to play for any club in any grade.
Think of Australian idol as a rugby league show, We could have a coach such as ricki stuart and a panel of ex players who have the final say with the help of public voting of who stays and who goes. And with the help of all nrl clubs actual players joining in some of the challenges..
We can watch episodes of all these guys put through training, challenges and watch the ups and downs of all these guys dealing with the demands of being a nrl player always under public scrutiny.
Im always bored in the off season and i think this would be a way for footy tragics to stay connected or put up and shut up so to speak and give it a go.. plus it is great exposure for all clubs and sponsors involved
i wouldnt know how to get it off the ground but it is sort of based on Australian idol vs ultimate fighter format id love it or am i just bored talking s### you tell me ??????
Basically every off season a bunch of guys are selected to go through a trial and the winner gets an nrl contract with a club for a year.I know soccer have done this and i swear ive had this idea for 10 or so years before they thought of it,
The difference would be that they werent just young kids looking for a break it could be all different ages even a 34 year old who sits on the lounge saying he could of been there if he stuck at it. we hear that all the time at the pub dont we? The only stipulation is they obviously cant be signed to play for any club in any grade.
Think of Australian idol as a rugby league show, We could have a coach such as ricki stuart and a panel of ex players who have the final say with the help of public voting of who stays and who goes. And with the help of all nrl clubs actual players joining in some of the challenges..
We can watch episodes of all these guys put through training, challenges and watch the ups and downs of all these guys dealing with the demands of being a nrl player always under public scrutiny.
Im always bored in the off season and i think this would be a way for footy tragics to stay connected or put up and shut up so to speak and give it a go.. plus it is great exposure for all clubs and sponsors involved
i wouldnt know how to get it off the ground but it is sort of based on Australian idol vs ultimate fighter format id love it or am i just bored talking s### you tell me ??????