Season 2010 - The Tipping Point?

Super Shark

Grey Nurse
Sep 7, 2005
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If there was meant to be a picture in a Macquarie Dictionary for the definition of "Loyalty" it would be a Sharks Supporter


Great White
Jun 10, 2008
Reaction score
The Shire - 2232
The whole follow because of my family line is rubbish, and is usually associated with the more fashionable clubs.

That's why I follow the Sharks though. Same with my brother, and some of my cousins etc, and we all live outside the shire. A lot of Sharks fans up here are in the same boat, parents moved from Cronulla to the Gold Coast.

I don't see what's wrong with it. I've been going for Cronulla my whole life. There was never a conscious decision made. Isn't that a good thing? Any one that 'chooses' a team can just as easily choose another team. Someone that is just a fan, like they always have been, finds it pretty damn hard to just stop it.

I think it's a bit different if you grew up in a area outside of Sydney that wasn't represented by a team. Obviously you then go for who you go for and if the folks go for the Sharks, then that's fine with me.

But if you are born and rasied in a place that has a team and if you have any pride at all in where you come from, to go for some other team is just a cop out.

This is especially true in the Shire. Most people are die-hard, committed for life to the Shire. We joke about how annoying it is when we have to leave for work etc and how good it feels to drive back over the Georges River into "God's Country". But many of these same people cling to archaic family traditions because they are just so much more fashionable than being a long suffering Sharks fan.

My Dad was and still is, unfortunately, a St George supporter. Can't blame him, he grew up there, played all his junior footy in the St George comp and saw them win 11 straight premierships. I could have gone the same way but why would I? As a kid, I grew up representing the Shire in many sports and academically. We all loved to beat the kids from the St George schools like James Cook High, it was a highlight for us.

To me, I equate it with being a born and bred Aussie who barracks for England in the Olympics 'cos your granny came from just don't do it.:cheers


Sep 7, 2005
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In Surgery
But if you are born and rasied in a place that has a team and if you have any pride at all in where you come from, to go for some other team is just a cop out.

Steady on there Iron, those born and raised on the Northern Beaches are allowed certain concessions when it comes to what Rugby League team they choose to support... Every true Sharks fan can respect that!

Besides, pride is a sin ;)

My Dad was and still is, unfortunately, a St George supporter. Can't blame him, he grew up there, played all his junior footy in the St George comp and saw them win 11 straight premierships.

Don't spose your Dad sees Darcy Lawler in the same sump puddle scumbucket that Greg Hartley resides in ;)


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Great White
May 6, 2009
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Can't say I agree with you guys. If I followed that logic I'd have to be a Titans fan, or heaven forbid a Broncos fan.


Great White
Jun 10, 2008
Reaction score
The Shire - 2232
Can't say I agree with you guys. If I followed that logic I'd have to be a Titans fan, or heaven forbid a Broncos fan.

Not if you read my last post. Unless you were born after 1987 or whenver the Broncos joined, you wouldn't have had a local team to follow in the ARL, so what team you follow is up to you.

It's really more of a Sydney thing and goes back to the early days of the NSWRL competition when the Clubs all represented their own little patch of Sydney and most of the players were from that area.

It is the factor that created the "tribalism" that Rugby League in Australia is famous for.

Steady on there Iron, those born and raised on the Northern Beaches are allowed certain concessions when it comes to what Rugby League team they choose to support... Every true Sharks fan can respect that!

Besides, pride is a sin ;)

Yeah, well I suppose I have to feel sorry for you, living on the Northern Beaches! Not much up there to be proud of really!;)

Don't worry mate, you can always aspire to moving down to the Shire some day!:good:
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Great White
May 6, 2009
Reaction score
I think I get where you're coming from Iron. If the Gold Coast had four different teams growing up I would have gone for the Coolangatta side without a doubt.

So people from the West who have a decent job and some money and then buy a house in Sutherland and raise the kids, well I don't expect them to change their team, but I guess their kids should.

But it's the Sharks fault as well. I'm sure if we had more players that appeal to kids then we'd get more kid fans. Kids are easy to win over.

I'm not sure how it works but you'd think any school in Sutherland most kids should be going for the Sharks and the others should be copping crap for not going for them.


Great White
Jun 10, 2008
Reaction score
The Shire - 2232
So people from the West who have a decent job and some money and then buy a house in Sutherland and raise the kids, well I don't expect them to change their team, but I guess their kids should.

But it's the Sharks fault as well. I'm sure if we had more players that appeal to kids then we'd get more kid fans. Kids are easy to win over.

I'm not sure how it works but you'd think any school in Sutherland most kids should be going for the Sharks and the others should be copping crap for not going for them.

Mate, you have hit the nail on the head there. When I grew up, most of the kids went for the Sharks. Somehow, that has been lost to some extent these days. At my sons school, there are plenty of Sharks fans but there are also just as many Dragons and Bunnies fans. Instead of them copping grief fror not following the Sharks, the Sharks kids cop flak for following a team that is seen as "losers".

I guess this sums up the point I was originally trying to make in this thread. The Sharks new administration has done a great job to claw back some of the local pride that we once had behind the Sharks. My concern is that these people will be scared off for good if we have another disastrous season after all the promises that have been made.

There could be a backlash based on the mindset "we won't be fooled again" to paraphrase Pete Townshend!

Personally, I think we are in for a great year that will see the Club gather momentum like a steam train but there is just that nagging doubt that always asks, "what if?..."


Great White
May 6, 2009
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I reckon the biggest investment the club can make in its future is not the carpark hotel, but actually turning as much of the youth in the shire into real sharks fans. The shire is big, its getting bigger, and it an area with enough money. It's just tapping into that potential. The little 5 year old kids are going to grow up, some of them will become millionaires, some of them will be in a position to buy corporate boxes and sponsor the sharks. Most of them will be in a position to buy season tickets and spend every other weekend at Sharkies buying drinks and dinner and all that.

That's the gold mine, that's where we need to get our money from.


May 20, 2006
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I could go into a whole treatise here about the pandemic decline of societal structures by the triumph of personal gratification over integrity but I'll resist.

The main thing we need to do in the Sharks community is to have strategies in place for short, mid and long term and the necessary commitment to see those strategies implemented.

The way I see it, you have to have your eyes on the bountiful harvest of the future but you still have to feed yourself today.

I don't believe there are any wonder cures that will fix all of our historical problems, however I do believe that with a methodical and systematic approach, we'll be making steady headway and we'll see the dividends start to come in.

Pride is the sin that I'm most proud of.


Great White
Jun 10, 2008
Reaction score
The Shire - 2232
Remember this thread everyone? I hate to say I told you so but...

One win so far, the press writing us off and very concerning rumours about the financial viability of the Club. To be honest with you, I am ****ting myself.

Alot of you have got to start to realise the seriousness of the situation. On-field results at this stage are academic. We need everyone to turn up to every home game and just support the hell out of the team, win or lose.

All the negative talk is just translating into bad press and that is no good for attracting fans, sponsors or new players.

These are tough times. Tough times don't last, tough people do.

Time to just suck it up, put on your jersey and promote the Club however you can.:(


Oct 12, 2008
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I wasnt taking it seriously untill me mate Iron shark mentioned the possibilty of us sharing the same fate as the newtown jets, as we are in a very similar situation before we folded.

If we go on a spending spree, we could very well go under.

A comp is most likely out of our reach in the next 3 yrs, so lets not waste big money on players "in thier prime" lets tie up what we have, and and concentrate on SURVIVNG!

The good thing is, if we tie up dougie, snowy and vave on 4 yr deals, at the end of that 4 yrs they should be in thier absoloute prime of props, with a well developed backline, and halves of kelly and townsend, a 3 grandfinal dynasty isnt without our grasp in 4 or 5 yrs.

"God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference"


Oct 7, 2009
Reaction score

Remember this thread everyone? I hate to say I told you so but...

One win so far, the press writing us off and very concerning rumours about the financial viability of the Club. To be honest with you, I am ****ting myself.

Alot of you have got to start to realise the seriousness of the situation. On-field results at this stage are academic. We need everyone to turn up to every home game and just support the hell out of the team, win or lose.

All the negative talk is just translating into bad press and that is no good for attracting fans, sponsors or new players.

These are tough times. Tough times don't last, tough people do.

Time to just suck it up, put on your jersey and promote the Club however you can.:(

I don't claim to have any kind of inside knowledge or anything- I don't even live in the Shire- but I'm worried too. Very.

Fisk has come out and said we're spending the entire NRL (first tier) salary cap. That doesn't quite seem like the whole truth to me, when included in that are Nathan Gardner and Albert Kelly, who are both u20s players. I don't midn him saying it publicly, but as a supporter it worries me.

Look at Bronx Goodwin. He's gone to the dragons and hasn't even looked like getting a 1st grade game (dunno if he's injured btw). Point is, they've got a real squad- one where they've got cover two or three deep for most positions plus a strong u20s. Melbourne are even better off- they've got a massive squad of almost 40, including all the best of their 2009 u20s team. We can't do that and its hurting us. Then again, that's just the way it is atm. Ricky is a tough bloke. Some say he's stubborn, others call him loyal. Tough and loyal, and a fierce competitor. They sound like the things we need at the moment and into the future. He's still got my support.

That's not to say that results in the top grade don't matter, because they'll bring people through the gates. Everyone likes a winner. That said, the reason we would get kicked out (heaven forbid) is if we couldn't play our players. So what we need is fans turning up whether we're winning or losing. In fact, more fans turning up when we're losing than when we're winning.


I like your toughness quote Iron. It's right on the money (as was your post to start this thread). It makes makes me wonder whether the people of this forum can do more for our club. I'm not suggesting by any means that anyone here isn't doing enough, just that as a group we've done some pretty impressive things- obviously Scott's jersey project, but also the CSSC tickets.

Again, I'm not from the Shire and I'm not really familiar with local the culture, but there's something I've been thinking about for a while- could a forum like this encourage a bit more support for the sharks in the wider community? Not just money wise, but getting our "brand" out there, and getting people to believe in it.

- I'm thinking the "Believe" posters. Could we get some printed and posted up around the place?

- Could we have people writing in to the leader every week talking up the next game and telling people about what the Sharks stand for (the Shire, toughness, commitment and entertaining footy)?

- Could we have a roster of people calling the talkbacks to argue the case of Cronulla and promote that same culture?

- Could we have letter drops of game details and messages from famous players- sharks immortals and current players- encouraging people to come to games and making them aware of how by doing so, those people are actively not just saving the club, but taking it towards a bright future?

- How bout getting out all of those old tapes of famous sharks games, tries, plays and players and getting them on youtube? And then getting some chain emails going? (I'm sure the tech-wiz's on here would have some great skills that we might be able to use).

What I'm talking about is basically just propaganda. But really, its more counter-propaganda, because that's all the "sharks will die and who cares" faction spews. Lets promote our history, our culture, and every Shire resident's (and people from outside the Shire too of course) ownership of the club. Tell people that the players are out there, playing the toughest brand of footy there is, all for them.

A football club, particularly a rugby league football club, is about its fans and members (which should be one and the same). Its a grassroots organisation, no matter how professional it has to be. So it can be directly influenced by the grassroots supporter- us. What are we going to do?


Great White
Jun 18, 2009
Reaction score
Brisbane Valley
I like your ideas AB. I like to know I am doing everything I can to help the club. If there's anymore ways that we (on the forum) can do to help promote the club in anyway I'd like to be apart of it.
I don't want our club to fold or merge or relocate and if we do (god forbid) I want to know I at least did everything I could to help out.


Great White
Jun 10, 2008
Reaction score
The Shire - 2232
Season 2010 is officially over for us and I guess now is as good a time as any to drag this thread back up to begin the post mortem. If you are unfamiliar with the issues I raised here at the start of the season, I suggest going back to the beginning and having a quick read.

Essentially what I was concerned about is that the Club had generated alot of new members and supporters after the "Year from Hell" 2009, where everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. This was great for the Club but what would happen to this support if we had another disastrous year in 2010?

Well, with the year now finished it's hard to say we had a great season. At least we looked like finishing with some momentum after wins over the Roosters and the Titans. All we had to do was put in a solid peformance against the second placed Panthers and we would have finished on a real high.

Then we go out and get fifty put on us and, quite honestly, play like a bunch of park footy players looking forward to Mad Monday. I hope this hasn't ruined our chances of holding onto our new supporter base.

What do you reckon the mood for next year will be? Will the Sharks fans feel optimistic with the promise of some good new signings and a young team with plenty of promise or will they wash their hands of a team that once again finished in the bottom two, Storm notwithstanding?

Of course I'm not talking about the die-hard fans who are there year in year out but the fair-weather fans who bought in this year on the promise of better things to come.

One thing is for sure, we will need to work hard in the off-season with our membership drive and really look to bolster supporter numbers for 2011.


Great White
Jul 5, 2010
Reaction score
Drag Queen territory.
I hear what you're saying Iron, but I'm an eternal optimist.

The last game against the Panthers was pretty much inevitable - they wanted to secure 2nd place, we were waiting for Mad Monday. I personally am not too bothered about that game.

I prefer to look at some of our other games since Flanno took over. Not just the Roosters and Titans wins - don't forget that we would have beaten the Tigers had Robinson not shat in our faces with the Pom decision, that we gave the surging Raiders a real scare, etc etc etc.

Results like that give me real hope for next year. I hope I'm not the only one, but I truly BELIEVE that, for the first time since 2008, we might just be able to put it together next year.

I've already quoted this song once tonight, but it pretty much sums up how I feel about the club's future, both on and off the field once the development turns around.
