NRL round 7 Cronulla Sharks vs. Brisbane Donkeys @ Suncorp Stadium Saturday 27th April at 7.35pm


Apr 25, 2010
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At the Tucky
What happens if everyone in our top 30 gets injured.
ring Barret for advice?

A possibility sure, not sure if he’d beat out Ronaldo for a centre spot or not.

Doubt Gray would beat Feki and Katoa to a wing spot.
Gray has been such a pointless signing when he can't even get a gig in firsts during a backline injury crisis over multiple rookies of questionable readiness and varying levels of ability. we are basically paying him decent coin to be a full time jet although I have no doubts he won't be offered an extension

good on JMO for backing his young players, giving them experience while looking to the future and all but the broncs game also showed the ugly side of giving multiple young pups a jersey before their time. pressure and inexperience led to a couple of real shockers within a team already struggling for solidarity and constancy with big talent and experience sitting on the sidelines. Kennedy alone made it so hard for us to have any chance of getting in that game but he had plenty of support in the bad game department. it's the dice you roll and the risks you take ofcourse, easy in hindsight as always.

I don't rate Gray at all but he is capable of being solid at best at NRL level (although loves an error...) and has FG games under his belt. Surely as a depth player these are the situations players like him are there for and part of the reason we offered him a decent contract to begin with was to have chance in our FG squad? I'm not saying it's the right or wrong call to bring him in, nor that Gray is any sort of potential long term fix (he is very meh) but if he isn't picked this week by coach it either shows how much faith JMO puts in his young chargers or how far down the line Gray has slid. I think it's a bit of both personally but surely he cannot have another crack with kennedy and ronaldo at the same time and against the Storm - we will get murdered.


Jun 4, 2007
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Kennedy FB and Ronaldo wing next week would be a nightmare (again).

I think we will only play one or the other... either Kennedy, Feki, Morris, Xerri, Katoa or Morris, Feki, Ronaldo, Xerri, Katoa.
I assume the first one.
Aug 11, 2011
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Perth WA
I would think that Katoa comes back into the side.
I think he would have learnt his lessons by missing 2 games and would be ready to rip in. Surely!


Apr 25, 2010
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At the Tucky
Were there lessons for Sione to learn?
I don't think he was genuinely dropped, just a victim of a backline reshuffle designed to get Duges out of the firing line

his form certainly doesn't warrant a demotion, agree he should come straight back in and should have been playing against the Broncs

Edit: just read his thread and the comment from the podcast about him apparently being dropped due to not watching the play the ball against the roosters that led to the half time try

while an oversight a first grader shouldn't make also seems pretty harsh considering the monumental ****ups we have seen from players in this team
well I hope coach keeps this sort of discipline consistent with the rest of the young players as there is alot of fundamental **** going wrong out there at present but maybe JMO gets extra concerned over attitude/concentration issues

remember what happened to AVA under Flanno's rule when he walked to the wrong end of the field ...
Aug 11, 2011
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Perth WA
Were there lessons for Sione to learn?
I don't think he was genuinely dropped, just a victim of a backline reshuffle designed to get Duges out of the firing line

his form certaintely doesn't warrant a demotion, agree he should come straight back in and should have been playing against the Broncs

I thought there was mention of the Keary kick and Mitchell try right on half time that Katoa had clocked off early and was out of position leading to him being dropped for the next game. Or maybe I just made that **** up!


Apr 25, 2010
Reaction score
At the Tucky
I thought there was mention of the Keary kick and Mitchell try right on half time that Katoa had clocked off early and was out of position leading to him being dropped for the next game. Or maybe I just made that **** up!
nah mate all good read my edit above, catching up on half a weeks worth of posts tonight lol