Nash the Shark
Grey Nurse
Do you know the date for 2008 Bathurst yet so i can pencil it in on calender cos i didnt find out till after the event that Motors TV showed it live in 07 and i dont wanna miss this years
Do you know the date for 2008 Bathurst yet so i can pencil it in on calender cos i didnt find out till after the event that Motors TV showed it live in 07 and i dont wanna miss this years
Len Cave rolled 10 times at 250km/h at Mount Panorama
From: The Daily Telegraph
February 11, 2008 12:00AM
SYDNEY driver Len Cave should consider buying himself a lottery ticket today after walking away from a terrifying 250km/h crash during the Bathurst 12-Hour motor race yesterday.
Cave walked away from the crash, in which his Mazda 3 MPS flipped 10 times - a number of them in mid-air - with just facial injuries.
He was approaching The Chase when he slid sideways into the sand trap and rolled his car.
The impact was so severe the engine, front suspension and gear box were torn off.
The car came to rest on its roof.
Amazingly, Cave was able to escape unaided from the wreckage.
Gallery: See pics from the scene here.
"It's such a fast part of the track that if you are going to have an accident that is exactly the corner you don't want to have it," race co-ordinator Craig Denyer said.
"Whenever you get airborne and go sideways it generally ends in total disaster.
Cave was taken to Bathurst Hospital for observation before being released last night.
The accident happened nine hours and 42 minutes into a drama-filled 12-hour classic.