Official Braden Hamlin-Uele


Great White
Oct 11, 2021
Reaction score
Glad he has been able to extend. We will have a good pack for 2025 with he and AFB. I would like us to keep Jack Williams. I am unsure about Hunt, I feel like we will be better served if we make sure we keep hazleton if we let a middle go.

Hazelton can't go anywhere so it's not really a concern for mine.
Feb 3, 2015
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Hmm… taking Royce out of the conversation - being forced to choose between Jack and Tom would be a tough one. Tom is likely cheaper. Jack is sooooo suited to Fitz’s game plan though. Absolute beast at getting quick prb’s. Possibly a top 5 player in the comp for this.
Yeah I'll be annoyed if this signing is at the cost of Jack, but if we can keep both + Colquhoun it will be amazing business.

I'm sure Fitz will be selling the progression of:

2024 - Finucane (start), Cam (bench 1), Jack (bench 2), Jesse (reserve)
2025 - Cam (start), Jack (bench 1), Dale/Jesse (bench 2/reserve)
2026 - Assuming Cam is retained - Cam/Jack (start), Cam/Jack (bench 1), Jesse (bench 2)

Given the injury history of Dale, Jesse could easily have 20-30 games by 2026.
Aug 11, 2011
Reaction score
Perth WA

Yeah I'll be annoyed if this signing is at the cost of Jack, but if we can keep both + Colquhoun it will be amazing business.

I'm sure Fitz will be selling the progression of:

2024 - Finucane (start), Cam (bench 1), Jack (bench 2), Jesse (reserve)
2025 - Cam (start), Jack (bench 1), Dale/Jesse (bench 2/reserve)
2026 - Assuming Cam is retained - Cam/Jack (start), Cam/Jack (bench 1), Jesse (bench 2)

Given the injury history and suspensions of Dale, Jesse could easily have 20-30 games by 2026.


Apr 25, 2010
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At the Tucky

This headline had me thinking BHU is leaving :( But was stoked to discover he is staying on! :giggle:

Allow me to voice a slightly dissenting opinion amid the outpouring of elation.

Interesting signing if he stays injury free. It indeed gives us a decent forward pack on paper for 2025 with the addition of AFB.
However, and I'll be happy to be proven wrong, from the outside, I don't see how these re-signings will help solve the team's recurring complacency issue.
Attitude more than ability has been at the root of the team's recent failures, and while keeping the current team together is a nice show of faith from Fitz, it may not exactly be what the doctor's ordered.

That being said, I'm looking forward to watching his rampaging runs again this year.

You might be right about the mentality / attitude thing but losing BHU would have only hurt us in this regard. His attitude and leadership is an asset to us. He works pretty hard on the field and you see him trying to rev the boys up. He has come a fair ways from his debut year with us and if he loves the club and team mates as much as he says he does he will be fighting to get another contract beyond the one he just signed.


May 21, 2008
Reaction score
BHU for two years is good business from our side. He's 100% lacked consistency to date, some of that is his fault, some of it has been out of his hands. I wouldn't have been happy with three years but two gives him the opportunity to really step it up and earn one last payday after this contract. If he continues on the same path he'll be 31 when off contract and I doubt anyone takes a punt on him on good coin like the Warriors tried to do. The ball is in his court now.

Like @Proud Shark said, we've addressed the middle issue as best as we could by signing probably a top 3 prop in the game, I don't see what we could have done better? You can't just turnover your whole forward pack in a year or two.
Seems that we got the better deal. But maybe the Warriors weren't as gung-ho as we were led to believe. Or maybe BHU really does value being a Shark more than...playing three year from now..? Maybe he's backing himself to play 50 games and get a huge contract?


Bull Shark
Aug 16, 2006
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Tokyo, Japan
Same goes for any signing, really.

Gotta be happy with a sought-after player staying for unders.

True. But he's had his issues in the past. 96 games or thereabouts over 6 years ain't exactly a stellar return.
I really don't want to be right about this though. I wish him to stay healthy.


Bull Shark
Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
Tokyo, Japan
It would be pretty easy for you to graph “actual attitude issues that we can substantiate”. Just write the number 0 on a page and you’re done.

“Imaginary attitude issues” would be a much more complex graph that you would probably need my help with :)

I'll pm you for a quick learning session. Do you take credit cards?
In the meantime, I'll spell it out for you. ;)

It's always all about



Super Moderator
Apr 8, 2008
Reaction score
I'll pm you for a quick learning session. Do you take credit cards?
In the meantime, I'll spell it out for you. ;)

It's always all about


So for unless you win the comp your attitude is not right? What if some of the other teams just have better players?

How can someone watching watching from the sideline or on telly know what the team’s attitude is? Win = good? Lose = bad? Surely there is something more to it than that.

Just post your credit card number is here. You can trust these guys :p


Bull Shark
Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
Tokyo, Japan
So for unless you win the comp your attitude is not right? What if some of the other teams just have better players?

How can someone watching watching from the sideline or on telly know what the team’s attitude is? Win = good? Lose = bad? Surely there is something more to it than that.

Just post your credit card number is here. You can trust these guys :p

Haha! Come on, Burgo, where did I say or even imply it?

Anyway, I'm questioning the current squad retention policy of which the BHU signing is the latest example. Is it the right option? I don't know. The club is convinced it is for various reasons I'm not privy of, but can be easily guessed. Fine. Hopefully they're right because otherwise we aren't going to celebrate premiership #2 anytime soon.

However, resigning everyone and their grandmother (warning, hyperbole!) to the notable exception of Moylan**, when the team has, in my opinion (and I don't even ask you to agree with it), repeatedly shown frailties that I think (once again, my opinion) can be linked to ability and attitude should be addressed. And I'm not talking merely about the finals. The team has shown in recent years the tendency to fold like a lawn chair when things don't go their way.
You don't want to put some of these failures down to attitude (or perhaps you prefer 'care factor' like Bellamy)? It simply means that we don't analyze what we see in the same way.

Will this year be any different with a virtually unchanged squad? Will they get better because they've trained the house down and/or matured as a team (with the added bonus of knowing they're going to stay together another couple of seasons)?
I'd like to be able to answer 'yes' to both, but I'm not convinced.
I guess we'll get more answers throughout the first two months of the season.

We should probably move any further discussion to the Sharks 2024 general discussion thread.

As for my credit card number, here it is 3540 1967 1979 2016 expires 10/24 :cool:
Looking forward to my first Graph 101 lesson. 🖱️

** no complaints here
May 17, 2010
Reaction score
Im not a massive BHU fan, mainly due to his injury history/loves an errors when you have the upper hand….but…..if hes showing that kind of passion to be in the team, thats saying enough for me. That rubs off on other players as well, especially some of those younger guys who might be tempted by offers coming their way.

Some of his injuries have been from foul play too, so i wont hold it all against him.
May 17, 2010
Reaction score
BHU is a good prop, but lacks consistently. You would like to think he and ruldoph lift with someone lie AFB in the team
I think for the most part BHU has been fine, the lack of consistency probably stems from him forever recovering from an injury. So those first few games may be a bit softer from him.


Great White
Oct 11, 2021
Reaction score
Haha! Come on, Burgo, where did I say or even imply it?

Anyway, I'm questioning the current squad retention policy of which the BHU signing is the latest example. Is it the right option? I don't know. The club is convinced it is for various reasons I'm not privy of, but can be easily guessed. Fine. Hopefully they're right because otherwise we aren't going to celebrate premiership #2 anytime soon.

However, resigning everyone and their grandmother (warning, hyperbole!) to the notable exception of Moylan**, when the team has, in my opinion (and I don't even ask you to agree with it), repeatedly shown frailties that I think (once again, my opinion) can be linked to ability and attitude should be addressed. And I'm not talking merely about the finals. The team has shown in recent years the tendency to fold like a lawn chair when things don't go their way.
You don't want to put some of these failures down to attitude (or perhaps you prefer 'care factor' like Bellamy)? It simply means that we don't analyze what we see in the same way.

Will this year be any different with a virtually unchanged squad? Will they get better because they've trained the house down and/or matured as a team (with the added bonus of knowing they're going to stay together another couple of seasons)?
I'd like to be able to answer 'yes' to both, but I'm not convinced.
I guess we'll get more answers throughout the first two months of the season.

We should probably move any further discussion to the Sharks 2024 general discussion thread.

As for my credit card number, here it is 3540 1967 1979 2016 expires 10/24 :cool:
Looking forward to my first Graph 101 lesson. 🖱️

** no complaints here

The credit card numbers were a nice touch


May 21, 2008
Reaction score
Haha! Come on, Burgo, where did I say or even imply it?

Anyway, I'm questioning the current squad retention policy of which the BHU signing is the latest example. Is it the right option? I don't know. The club is convinced it is for various reasons I'm not privy of, but can be easily guessed. Fine. Hopefully they're right because otherwise we aren't going to celebrate premiership #2 anytime soon.

However, resigning everyone and their grandmother (warning, hyperbole!) to the notable exception of Moylan**, when the team has, in my opinion (and I don't even ask you to agree with it), repeatedly shown frailties that I think (once again, my opinion) can be linked to ability and attitude should be addressed. And I'm not talking merely about the finals. The team has shown in recent years the tendency to fold like a lawn chair when things don't go their way.
You don't want to put some of these failures down to attitude (or perhaps you prefer 'care factor' like Bellamy)? It simply means that we don't analyze what we see in the same way.

Will this year be any different with a virtually unchanged squad? Will they get better because they've trained the house down and/or matured as a team (with the added bonus of knowing they're going to stay together another couple of seasons)?
I'd like to be able to answer 'yes' to both, but I'm not convinced.
I guess we'll get more answers throughout the first two months of the season.

We should probably move any further discussion to the Sharks 2024 general discussion thread.

As for my credit card number, here it is 3540 1967 1979 2016 expires 10/24 :cool:
Looking forward to my first Graph 101 lesson. 🖱️

** no complaints here
How could you be convinced? The first two years have been the prequal to this year. Though we're just settling into our side (Moylan, Graham, Fifita are big changes. Dale, Will, Jack, Toby and BHU all having had long stints out) I think a lot of people will be looking for us to shift into top gear... it may unreasonable and a year early, but I couldn't totally disagree.


Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score

That’s a huge deal he turned down, would’ve been greater security for him too with it being 3 years.

Has shown great loyalty in staying with us but it also shows the club is building a very strong culture, next step is to start winning some finals games. Good to see Uele sign on again, if he can have a bit more luck with injuries will be a big help for our chances


Apr 1, 2010
Reaction score

That’s a huge deal he turned down, would’ve been greater security for him too with it being 3 years.

Has shown great loyalty in staying with us but it also shows the club is building a very strong culture, next step is to start winning some finals games. Good to see Uele sign on again, if he can have a bit more luck with injuries will be a big help for our chances

Imagine if our Forum had that culture!!


Jun 4, 2007
Reaction score
“But once I stopped asking myself why, I realised Addin was coming to a good forward pack, a good team, and he could add his own flavour to our attack, which got me excited,” he said.

“I’m actually friends with him; we were roomies together with the Junior Kiwis. When he signed, he actually reached out and said he was looking forward to partnering up with me again.”

Like the sound of them already having a good relationship and them mutually keen to play together


Apr 25, 2010
Reaction score
At the Tucky
Forum 2 weeks ago: BHU is meh, let him go we will be ok, isn't that great, not worth fighting over

Forum now: What a signing, so happy, can't believe this bloke has stayed on with us! Club is firing!!!!