Putting this up now as I’m stuck at work through the whole game. Please refer to the responses below depending on the result.
If we win: Maaaaassive win tonight over a potential top 4 rival. How good was Moylan? Really answered his critics I felt. Always knew he was class.
If we lose: Bottlers. Chokers. Devastating loss albeit to a top 4 team, which we are definitely not! How **** was Moylan?! How the **** could he *insert **** onfield mistake 1 here* or how about when he *insert **** onfield mistake 2 here*. Always knew he was ****!
In taking CM’s lead…….
A win:
3. Hynes - our Talisman
2. Sifa - Absolutely killed his opposite
1. Nikora - Just keeps getting better
HM‘s inc BHU, Moylan and Brailey. Abt time they stepped up and showed us some form
A loss:
3. Hynes - Always puts in and tries to lead (maybe tries a little to hard at times)
Daylight as no other ****er deserves a vote, but I’ll go with
2. Nikora - Always tries hard, but **** me he is always good for a drop ball or 3 and a penalty in our own end!
1. Kennedy - Popped up on occasion but really needs to support more and his goal line D is shockingly bad.
Moylan and Brailey need to introduce themselves to Newtown Head Coach George Ndaira.
Sifa and Wilton really need to learn how to defend. That left edge D was abysmal
Refs didn’t help much either. All 50/50‘s went the way of the Rorters!