Normally I wouldn't be overly concerned about a game against a Dragons side that has been mediocre a long time now and we have had their number for years now typically getting 2 wins each season at their expense
BUT even with Nicho back on board and the confidence and fluidity that brings we have so many issues in the defense and discipline departments it's not funny. If we don't fix it the Dragons just have to hold the ball, complete sets and wait and watch for us to **** the bed, especially once fatigue kicks in
Even so we might still outscore them though - almost did against the Raiders and we were atrocious
I think Tricky has been kept in the team less so for injury cover (Hynes should be 100%) and more so to keep him keen, motivated and reward him opposed to punting him back down to the plumbers league. How much more can he learn and develop at that level of competition? He is too good for reggies and frankly what else can he do to warrant first grade selection?
Maybe 20 mins in first grade will be just as beneficial as 80 mins in Cup at this point of the season and his career, even if it's not in his regular position I would think he is high on confidence right now and is as good a chance as ever to make a better go of whatever role he is thrown into - he has less to prove to his coach and team mates now.
I doubt he is on the bench to keep Moylan honest and looking over his shoulder, I mean Mozza would have to being having an absoulte stinker to get hooked and replaced with Tricky @ 6 and if we are talking more about future games then Tricky doesn't need to be on the bench for that.
I also question whether Moylan is a player that responds positively to pressure but he did find a resurgence back from obscurity in 2022 after over coming some injury and form obstacles. If it gets him to lift its a bonus.
Ofcourse the main reason Tricky should be selected is that Fitz has a plan for him come game day and that he is considered in the best 17 players otherwise any other reason becomes relatively trivial, even misguided. We need to win games now, not just plan for a future that may or may not include a particular player.
Fitz sees the value in it, same as he did last year so we will just have to see how it all plays out and hope for the best outcome.