Report data/statistical errors


Mako Shark
Dec 16, 2005
Reaction score
Monty Porter Stand
Please report data/statistical errors on the site by replying in this thread, such as incorrect scores, team lists, birthdays, names, contract details etc.

Please include a source whenever possible. Sometimes there can be conflicts between different sources (especially with birthdays) so changes won't always be made.

Also, please be aware that statistics such as point-scoring and appearances are based only on the match and team details recorded in the database, and in many cases are incomplete. They are calculated automatically, and in some cases, even when complete, conflict with official or other statistics. Hopefully over time there will be less and less of these conflicts and the statistics will continue to get more complete.

If you instead want to report technical errors, such as pages not loading or loading slowly, login problems or error messages (i.e. bugs), please use this thread.

You can also PM me or send me an email at:

I will try to reply, though as anyone who has emailed me previously about the site knows, I can at times be very busy and slow to get back! The same goes with fixing the errors!

For any other suggestions or questions, such as general help on using the forums, you are welcome to just start another thread in this forum, as others may be able to help too.



Mako Shark
Dec 16, 2005
Reaction score
Monty Porter Stand
There are some calculation errors related to winning percentages etc. for referees and players when an upcoming match is listed, but has not finished. For example, the stats for a referee may show 15 matches, 7 wins, 7 losses, 0 draws, in the week leading up to a match. This will be fixed when I next get a chance to update the site!