Trial Game #1 Cronulla Sharks verse Manly Sea Eagles Saturday 7.30pm 23rd February 2019 @ SHARK PARK

Aug 11, 2011
Reaction score
Perth WA

Notable mentions:
Tom Trbojevic limping off the playing field with a left leg injury
Dylan Walker starting.........
former Sharks head coach Shane Flanagan sitting up in the last row of the members stand to watch his son Kyle Flanagan play at five-eighth.


Kitty Master
May 7, 2006
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Kennedy hasn't had much opportunity yet.
I'd like to see more of what he has to offer.

I reckon JMo would have liked to see more too. Hardly noticed he was out there.

Just mirror your phone to TV on chromecast. Working for me.

Tried it, the prick looked like it was loading up but never got past the blue line zipping left to right. I wanna punch you in the face.

hows everyone streams it was good to start 1st half second half looks like its being painted with watercolours

**** the gear big time in the 2nd half.
Aug 11, 2011
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Perth WA
nah mate he is mediocre. He is up there with Brailey are being the most over hyped players in our squad

Okay. Not what I saw but the coverage was crap so I’ll have to take your word for it as you watched him live.
Looks like we have a few other options (although granted they are youngsters).
Xerri certainly looked the goods. Maybe he plays outside Dugan and Feki plays outside Morris to start with at least.


Kitty Master
May 7, 2006
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nah mate he is mediocre. He is up there with Brailey are being the most over hyped players in our squad

haha if Blayke is better than Jayden I'm Michael JordanFrom what I saw tonight.

Katoa I'm not sold but still interested.

Still interested in Blayke too, he's just still a fair way off his brother if you're talking FG #9
Aug 11, 2011
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Perth WA
haha if Blayke is better than Jayden I'm Michael JordanFrom what I saw tonight.

Katoa I'm not sold but still interested.

Still interested in Blayke too, he's just still a fair way off his brother if you're talking FG #9

JB has got 2 full seasons on him to be fair.
I thought his service from dummy half was good and looks like he has a good short kicking game.
Seemed solid in D through the middle but was let down by some around him first half.
Maybe guilty of trying a bit to hard to Impress I guess?
Sep 7, 2005
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The Ridge!
My thoughts from the trial.

Standouts: Xerri, Morris, Uele, Xerri, Lumelele, Xerri, Feki did alright, Flanno kicked well, Xerri.

Oh, not sure I mentioned him but Xerri.

Disappointments: Kennedy, Katoa looks ok but is not that quick, Brailey Jnr.


Nov 28, 2006
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Alright so my thoughts and notes from the game tonight:

Bronson an obvious stand out. We didn’t get the ball to him too much but whenever he touched it he made something happen. His try assist for Katoa was better than his try.

Katoa did well for the most part. Like others I want to see more and I think there’s more to him. Just because he isn’t usain bolt doesn’t mean he ain’t effective. Worked hard all night.

Will Kennedy had one bad drop but was good, threw a great pass for a try

Blayke was decent enough. His service from dummy half is the best at the club and defensively sound. Had ice on his hand/wrist at full time so hopefully everything is all good there.

Jack Williams is a beast. His defensive work in the middle of the field was amazing and saved a few tries. Looks massive too think he’s toned up.

Jmoz was his usual classy self and finished off a good movement

Soro was poor and ineffective and let in a try maybe 2 I can’t remember. Capewell gotta be way ahead of him

Nikora was good too. You can see how his line running is like lewys, hits fkn hard in D. Him and flanno had a good understanding in defence.

Speaking of flanno was actually really good I thought. Played eyes up for xerris try, defensively was superb and saved a try with a great legs tackle. Kicking game was good and kicked 4/4

Ronaldo was surprisingly good scored 2 decent tries one of them with a great finish.

One surprise for me was Vasquez. Bloke was running through everyone, made a clean linebreak and showed some toe. Defensive rock solid and aggressive. Wasn’t expecting much from him at all but had a really good game.

On our overall game I liked everything we were doing. Our defensive systems from flanno still seemed to be relatively in place but we also looked just a little bit slicker in attack. Manly played essentially a full first grade team in the first half and we had half a reserve grade team out there and more than handled our own. Did a lot of defence in the first half.

You add 8 first graders and our stars and we have the shape of a really strong, competitive team.

Let’s get over these next few weeks of crap with the final fines and whatever and find some sponsors and the clean slate and new era can officially begin. Exciting times ladies and gents!

That’s all I can remember for now if you have any questions over particular players feel free to ask.


Kitty Master
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
JB has got 2 full seasons on him to be fair.
I thought his service from dummy half was good and looks like he has a good short kicking game.
Seemed solid in D through the middle but was let down by some around him first half.
Maybe guilty of trying a bit to hard to Impress I guess?

I know Jayden is more experienced. I just keep hearing Blayke is better.

His service I don't think is as good as Jayden.

I wasn't too impressed with D but it did get better as the game progressed. He and Soro were stranded and seemed oblivious to it on that first try.

I just don't think he's FG material yet. Might be good for an attacking burst but I haven't seen enough of him to say. Just on tonight though he's a little while off IMO.


Jun 4, 2007
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Soro was poor and ineffective and let in a try maybe 2 I can’t remember.

Agree with your analysis for the most part, only thing I’d say is the inside defender (Uele I think) hadn’t moved up which left Sorensen one on one against a well run line and he got burned
Aug 11, 2011
Reaction score
Perth WA
I know Jayden is more experienced. I just keep hearing Blayke is better.

His service I don't think is as good as Jayden.

I wasn't too impressed with D but it did get better as the game progressed. He and Soro were stranded and seemed oblivious to it on that first try.

I just don't think he's FG material yet. Might be good for an attacking burst but I haven't seen enough of him to say. Just on tonight though he's a little while off IMO.

Fair enough.
That first try was very early and came on the back of a repeat set due to overzealous refereeing (blowing the pea out of the whistle).
It showed that their communication was off a bit as they tried to get used to the players next to them and it was also Kapow, and he is pretty hard to stop from there. Especially for a young pup (no excuse thou, if they want to play NRL).
I thought that Brailey defended pretty well in all after that but was let down a bit by the players outside him at times. Maybe that does fall on him a bit as well, if it's bad communication. Who knows.
I think we start with Flanno Jnr on the bench as our utility and then gives Brails Jnr some game time later in the season.


Mar 23, 2016
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Agree with your analysis for the most part, only thing I’d say is the inside defender (Uele I think) hadn’t moved up which left Sorensen one on one against a well run line and he got burned

Some good posts boys.. this number 9 position might kill us this year.

How many more years do you think we put up with having an up and coming hooker on a ready made premiership team, it can pretty much be one of/if not the most important position in the team.

Hopefully they can both kill it


Kitty Master
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
Fair enough.
That first try was very early and came on the back of a repeat set due to overzealous refereeing (blowing the pea out of the whistle).
It showed that their communication was off a bit as they tried to get used to the players next to them and it was also Kapow, and he is pretty hard to stop from there. Especially for a young pup (no excuse thou, if they want to play NRL).
I thought that Bradley defended pretty well in all after that but was let down a bit by the players outside him at times. Maybe that does fall on him a bit as well, if it's bad communication. Who knows.
I think we start with Flanno Jnr on the bench as our utility and then gives Brails Jnr some game time later in the season.

It's first real hitout too comms breakdowns happen. It was good to see it improve - as you said that was 1st minute. Rather we get that outta the way now.

Personally, I don't think B Brails or Fanno Jr make my 17 at the moment.


Kitty Master
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
Some good posts boys.. this number 9 position might kill us this year.

How many more years do you think we put up with having an up and coming hooker on a ready made premiership team, it can pretty much be one of/if not the most important position in the team.

Hopefully they can both kill it

I get ya and agree. But whats the alternatives? Good #9s aren't easy to find. I'm not sure there are many in the NRL and even less on the market.

Whats the solution other than grow what we got? I think we've got two good ones they're just not there yet.
Aug 11, 2011
Reaction score
Perth WA
I get ya and agree. But whats the alternatives? Good #9s aren't easy to find. I'm not sure there are many in the NRL and even less on the market.

Whats the solution other than grow what we got? I think we've got two good ones they're just not there yet.

Hopefully J Brails steps up again from first 2 seasons. Seggy is still in the wings but only if we get through this Cap BS!
Aug 11, 2011
Reaction score
Perth WA
Tough night for trailing sides too tonight with TT for seagulls and Kikau for the pennies picking up injuries but these games are necessary evils!

Hopefully we got through relatively well.
Ava went early for us for memory. Any news?