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    Official Sharks Hall of Fame

    You would have to thing Fifs, Wado and Lewis would be furture Hall of Famers.
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    Official Sharks Hall of Fame

    To answer a previous question, there are both Immortals and Hall of Fame Previous Immortals were automatically inducted into the Hall of Fame. When they announce an Immortal in the future (#cough#Gal), it will no doubt come from someone already in the Hall of Fame.
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    Official Sharks Hall of Fame

    Dane Sorensen, Peach, Matt Rogers, Jason Stevens &: Gal is the latest.
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    Official Sharks Hall of Fame

    Dane Sorensen, Peach, Matt Rogers, Jason Stevens
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    Official Thomas Hazelton

    Your dad isn't @Gumby is he?
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    Match 2025 NRL Round 1 - Cronulla-Sutherland Sharks vs Penrith Panthers, 8:30pm Saturday 1-Mar-2025 @ Allegiant Stadium Las Vegas (3:30pm Sunday Sydney)

    I'm more concerned with his carries out of our end. Something Kotoa does well (has a great ability to bump and run). Though not sure if Hiroti is any better with his tough runs.
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    Official Sione Katoa

    Sounds like a similar injury / surgery to what Cleary had.
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    Official Thomas Hazelton

    You forgot the part about blaming us for his hair loss!
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    Match 2025 NRL Round 1 - Cronulla-Sutherland Sharks vs Penrith Panthers, 8:30pm Saturday 1-Mar-2025 @ Allegiant Stadium Las Vegas (3:30pm Sunday Sydney)

    So with all the talk on other threads that Katoa is expected to be out for up to 12 weeks, who do we think Fitz will choose for the wind spot? Realistic options (that Firz has done before): 1. Atko 2. SS 3. Hiroti Before a trial match this year I would have said SS but now not so sure. This...
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    Official Sione Katoa

    100%. I would actually be tempted to play Hiroti. Thought in the trials it showed SS has a fair bit to go still.
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    Official Sharks Hall of Fame

    The story goes that Davidson hit Paul so hard that after the game (in the Sharks visitors shed) he asked his brother Jason if they were at the Sharks already. (Both Stevens brothers were joining the Sharks the next year)
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    Official Thomas Hazelton

    It feels like his manager pre-ejaculated and has been caught out by several clubs. Melbourne released an official statement, Flanno basically told him to calm the farm, now he's linked to the Warriors. To be honest, if you told me 6 months ago that Tom was the only player in the media re...
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    Official 2025 NRL General Discussion

    That's great mate. What do you do for a crust?
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    Official Sharks Hall of Fame

    I like your first list. Happy for Wade and Andrew to make the next one.
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    Official Thomas Hazelton

    Keep your greasy hands away from him Laurie Daley:
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    Official Jayden Berrell

    Definitely won't be concerned if he needs to fill in throughout the season.
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    Official 2025 Sharks Discussion

    And then lost a fight to a tree and the circle of life was complete!
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    Official Sharks Pathways 2025 (Newtown, Flegg)

    I hate how these articles make you read all the way down to actually find out.
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    Official Membership 2025

    You watch the debate start about who should be Mayfair / Park Lane out of Nicho and Trindall!