Official Andrew Fifita


Apr 11, 2010
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Cronulla push for rapid Fifita resolution

Wed 29 Jul, 2015, 2:24pm
By Chris Kennedy, National Correspondent,

Cronulla push for rapid Fifita resolution

Cronulla Sharks CEO Lyall Gorman says the club is pressing as hard as it can for a quick resolution to an investigation into Fifita twins Andrew and David, who have been stood down pending accusations they allegedly abused a referee at a junior rugby league game.

The pair have each been barred from attending Penrith Junior Rugby League matches for 12 months over the alleged incident last Saturday, while the club stood the brothers down from NRL duties on Monday.

Gorman said the club was trying to gather as much in the way of information and supporting statements as it can, while the players must be allowed time to engage their own legal representatives.

"We're hopeful of getting that done very, very quickly," Gorman said on Wednesday.

"We are pressing it every minute of the day to try and get that done as quickly as we can so that whatever the outcomes are can be made public and we can move forward."

The brothers have been accused of physically threatening match officials, although some later reports suggest the pair will be disputing that they made physical threats, but Gorman said he wouldn't be drawn on the particulars at this stage.

"I don't really want to pre-empt the case, I don't want to prejudice it. I think there have been some prejudicial comments made by other parties in the last couple of days which haven't been helpful to the players trying to prepare properly for this," he said.

"I'd rather let that take its course. I have gone on the record and said there certainly is some debate in the players' minds about the facts as presented."

Gorman also stressed the club had a duty of care to the players while the process was ongoing.

"We have a major welfare focus on everyone in our club, obviously. There's a duty of care for all stakeholders in this and that's why we haven't made comments publicly about any of the stakeholders, whether it's been the match officials, the local association or our own players," he said.

While the pair appeared to be "fine" at this stage Gorman said they were obviously disappointed.

"They'll be doing training this [Wednesday] afternoon, they'll be doing some gym work this afternoon. They're obviously distressed and disappointed but we're working as hard as we can to keep their spirits up," he said.

Sharks skipper Paul Gallen did not want to comment on when the players would return but also hoped for a quick resolution.

"Hopefully [they'll be back this year]. That's not really a question I can answer," Gallen said.

"It's an issue that the NRL and the club are looking at at the moment and hopefully a decision gets made as quick as possible for everybody's sake."


Tiger Shark
Jul 24, 2010
Reaction score
Some thoughts:

an incident happened at the game last week at Penrith ~ fact
Penrith juniors banned Fifitas for 12 months Fact
They based their evidence on the word of 4 officials from Penrith juniors refereeing ranks Fact
In making their decision to ban the Fifitas they DID NOT speak with one other witness - fact
They said they had video evidence - a lie
They said players had to be restrained - false
Their is conjecture about what fifita actually said - Fact - Don whateverhisname ( president of Penrith jrlfc) could not quote it exactly but he banned them for verbal abuse ??? So Don what did your officials tell you Fifita said ???
Several witnesses have now come forward with a different view of events - fact
Several witnesses have come forward and said David was actually polite with his initial question and the ref was antagonistic towards David and inflamed the situation - fact
The situation was so bad apparently but not one of the 50 - 100 spectators bothered to film it ? In this day and age ? C'mon

Lawyers will have a field day

Hopefully it will be resolved asap


Total gronk
Apr 2, 2010
Reaction score
In your head, rent free
Some thoughts:

an incident happened at the game last week at Penrith ~ fact
Penrith juniors banned Fifitas for 12 months Fact
They based their evidence on the word of 4 officials from Penrith juniors refereeing ranks Fact
In making their decision to ban the Fifitas they DID NOT speak with one other witness - fact
They said they had video evidence - a lie
They said players had to be restrained - false
Their is conjecture about what fifita actually said - Fact - Don whateverhisname ( president of Penrith jrlfc) could not quote it exactly but he banned them for verbal abuse ??? So Don what did your officials tell you Fifita said ???
Several witnesses have now come forward with a different view of events - fact
Several witnesses have come forward and said David was actually polite with his initial question and the ref was antagonistic towards David and inflamed the situation - fact
The situation was so bad apparently but not one of the 50 - 100 spectators bothered to film it ? In this day and age ? C'mon

Lawyers will have a field day

Hopefully it will be resolved asap

great post!
Jul 29, 2006
Reaction score
Good point squid, but sadly they are guilty in the court of public opinion, I was thinking, happy for them have a rest get their head right this week... Then name them next week which will force the nrl's hand should they want to extend a ban to them. At least any legal mumbo jumbo will between them and the NRL not the sharks!! Is it that easy?


Mar 8, 2012
Reaction score
Some thoughts:

an incident happened at the game last week at Penrith ~ fact
Penrith juniors banned Fifitas for 12 months Fact
They based their evidence on the word of 4 officials from Penrith juniors refereeing ranks Fact
In making their decision to ban the Fifitas they DID NOT speak with one other witness - fact
They said they had video evidence - a lie
They said players had to be restrained - false
Their is conjecture about what fifita actually said - Fact - Don whateverhisname ( president of Penrith jrlfc) could not quote it exactly but he banned them for verbal abuse ??? So Don what did your officials tell you Fifita said ???
Several witnesses have now come forward with a different view of events - fact
Several witnesses have come forward and said David was actually polite with his initial question and the ref was antagonistic towards David and inflamed the situation - fact
The situation was so bad apparently but not one of the 50 - 100 spectators bothered to film it ? In this day and age ? C'mon

Lawyers will have a field day

Hopefully it will be resolved asap

You should email that to Kent.


Jun 21, 2010
Reaction score
Some thoughts:

an incident happened at the game last week at Penrith ~ fact
Penrith juniors banned Fifitas for 12 months Fact
They based their evidence on the word of 4 officials from Penrith juniors refereeing ranks Fact
In making their decision to ban the Fifitas they DID NOT speak with one other witness - fact
They said they had video evidence - a lie
They said players had to be restrained - false
Their is conjecture about what fifita actually said - Fact - Don whateverhisname ( president of Penrith jrlfc) could not quote it exactly but he banned them for verbal abuse ??? So Don what did your officials tell you Fifita said ???
Several witnesses have now come forward with a different view of events - fact
Several witnesses have come forward and said David was actually polite with his initial question and the ref was antagonistic towards David and inflamed the situation - fact
The situation was so bad apparently but not one of the 50 - 100 spectators bothered to film it ? In this day and age ? C'mon

Lawyers will have a field day

Hopefully it will be resolved asap

Throw in that they never denied swearing at them, but did deny threatening physical harm, even though they were told there was video evidence, they still stuck to their guns.

slide rule

Mar 24, 2009
Reaction score
General Admission
If we can't find conclusive evidence then we should tell the NRL that. If the NRL want to ban them then they can cop any recourse from potential legal action instead of us.

GymeaGorilla 72

Bronze Whaler
Nov 11, 2011
Reaction score
Swill Hill
Yep with differing versions and witness statements backing both sides and no video, their lawyers should eat this up.

Fine them sit them down for 2 weeks and make them do a referrees course, won't satisfy the media but fug them. Then say to the NRL the couple of weeks is in line with Graham & Klemmer, and if you try for more the lawyers will take it up

Deleted member 3365

Psht 2 weeks?

They should be playing this weekend, don't think this even warrants any penalty, worse comes to worse, one week.


Jul 5, 2011
Reaction score
I hope you're right too mate but Gal keeps hinting at a season ban.

I could see the gutter press switching sides after a ban like that was administered.

ie start giving more oxygen to the truth and saying that the NRL and the Sharks didn't show due diligence and that the Fifitas were treated unfairly.

They could get a good 18 months of click bait out of this.